Scripting Out Jobs

  • I have created an osql task that runs SP_Help_Revlogin to write Login details to a file for DR purposes. This runs as a scheduled job to ensure I always have current data

    I would like to do something similar for Scheduled Jobs and want to automate the process. I know that I can do this by right clicking the Jobs and selecting script option- but this is a manual process.

    Try as I might I cannot find any code to do this. Which is strange for such an important task. My only option at the moment seems to be to learn Powershell. Something which is good in itself, but seems a little harsh to resolve such a "simple" issue.

    Any hints on how I can automate the scripting out of Jobs whilst I learn Powershell over Christmas?



  • I use this.



    Function to script all SQL jobs


    Writes all SQL Jobs out to a .sql file in the specified folder


    Script-AllSQLJobs -Instance "Server\Instance -Folder "C:\JobScripts\"


    Requires SQL SMO to be installed



    function Script-AllSQLJobs ([string]$Instance, [string]$Folder)


    [System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("Microsoft.SqlServer.Smo") | Out-Null

    $srv = New-Object "Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Server" $Instance

    $srv.JobServer.Jobs | foreach {

    $filename = $Folder + $_.ToString().replace(":","").replace("/","").replace("""","").replace("\","").replace("*","").replace("?","").replace("<","").replace(">","").replace("|","") + ".sql";

    $_.Script() | out-file -FilePath $filename -force



  • Thanks,

    Could you give a bit more information on how you store/run the script?


  • I've added a few extra lines.



    Function to script all SQL jobs


    Writes all SQL Jobs out to a .sql file in the specified folder


    Script-AllSQLJobs -Instance "Server\Instance -Folder "C:\JobScripts"


    Requires SQL SMO to be installed



    function Script-AllSQLJobs ([string]$Instance, [string]$Folder)


    [System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("Microsoft.SqlServer.Smo") | Out-Null

    $srv = New-Object "Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Server" $Instance

    $srv.JobServer.Jobs | foreach {

    $filename = $Folder + $_.ToString().replace(":","").replace("/","").replace("""","").replace("\","").replace("*","").replace("?","").replace("<","").replace(">","").replace("|","") + ".sql";

    $_.Script() | out-file -FilePath $filename -force



    Script-AllSQLJobs -Instance "Server1" -folder "C:\SQLJobs\Server1\"

    Script-AllSQLJobs -Instance "Server2" -folder "C:\SQLJobs\Server2\"

    Script-AllSQLJobs -Instance "Server3" -folder "C:\SQLJobs\Server3\"

    You can edit the function call lines as you see fit. Save the code as .ps1 file. This can then be called from any SQL Server agent powershell job step or using a cmdshell jobstep simply by calling it using a fully qualified path much like a batch file.

    cmdshell will require prefixing with the powershell keyword for it to work.

  • Thank you!

    The mist lifts and the view is great.

    Enjoy the holiday season.


  • After much trial and error I have created a SQL Job which runs the following command. The Job states that it runs successfully, but no file is generated in the named Directory. Whatam I doing wrong? Thanks.

    PS "E:\Microsoft SQL Server\CORPDB_2008_Back_Ups\Back_Up_Jobs.ps1"

    "-argument1 ServerName\InstanceName"

    "-argument2 E:\Microsoft SQL Server\CORPDB_2008_Back_Ups"

  • Try taking out the quotes.

    Or read this and search for ampersand.

  • It is interesting to note that when creating the SQL Job that you do NOT use the Powershell option but the Operating System(CmdExec) option and precede the command with Powershell.exe rather than PS.

    As ever, Microsoft like to make things intuitive! 🙂

    Posted to help anybody else who comes across this thread

  • Colin Betteley (12/21/2011)

    It is interesting to note that when creating the SQL Job that you do NOT use the Powershell option but the Operating System(CmdExec) option and precede the command with Powershell.exe rather than PS.

    As ever, Microsoft like to make things intuitive! 🙂

    Posted to help anybody else who comes across this thread

    Thats a feature of command shell. You need to start the powershell app to run the script. If you create a SQL Job with a step type of Powershell (SQL 2008+) you dont need to preceede the script with powershell.exe as the job step starts the mini shell itself.

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