Table Value Constructor 1

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  • Nice question, thanks!

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  • Good Question. Today I learned something new !!!!.

  • This was removed by the editor as SPAM

  • Nice constructor. Alas we are limited by older version.

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  • (sorry for cheating) but I really don't get it 🙁

    (by the way the question is really cool, i know remember one requirement which I had on the similar thing where there are two dates column and each can contain null and actually i need to list all the values in DESC (from both column) as one column, if A is null then take it from B....) I can understand this but I having hard time understanding the logic and the ways the SQL statement is written.:w00t:

    ww; Raghu
    The first and the hardest SQL statement I have wrote- "select * from customers" - and I was happy and felt smart.

  • FFS worked the answer out but still selected the wrong one in the list. Must stop doing that - twice this year now.

  • nice question !!!

    thanks Ron!!

    [font="Times New Roman"][/font]
    DBA - SQL Server 2008

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  • Thanks for the question. It was very useful, and presented in a way that required thought, but without parsing dozens of lines of text. Excellent.

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  • To get my mind going I can think of no better way than answering the question of the day! Great question. 🙂

    Everything is awesome!

  • Thanks for the ¿

    Jason...AKA CirqueDeSQLeil
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  • Very good question.

    I really really really learnt a new good feature.

    Thank you a lot.


  • Great question!!! Learned something new today.

    "El" Jerry.

    "El" Jerry.

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  • great question. had to read more into this as I hadn't used VALUES in this way before.

  • Good question - made me think hard.

    When I first looked at it I hadn't a clue what it was doing, it took me quite a few minutes staring it and wondering what on earth it meant to realise that a single column table was being generated for each row of the starting table and the max taken from that.

    Good references in the explanation too (although as the question specified SQL 2008 R2 and Denali it was a bit odd to reference the SQL 2008 BoL page instead of the SQL 2008 R2 one).

    But something seems to be wrong with the wording of the explanation, I can't work out what the bit before the comma means.


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