cannot convert between unicode and non-unicode string data

  • Hi !I am running a simple Query on a oracle source database as below and trying to insert the data to oracle destination with SSIS package. I even tried to use the data conversion between source and destination to [DT_STR] but still i was getting the error "cannot convert between Unicode and non-Unicode string data" can some one guide me here ??? Thanks in advance 🙂


    select sysdate, i.host_name, i.instance_name, ,'ORACLE' as DB_Type, i.version, d.platform_name, 'NA' as PLATFORM_VERSION from v$instance i, v$database d

  • Try converting to DT_WSTR if the max length of your string is 4000 or less. If more then use DT_NTEXT.

    There are no special teachers of virtue, because virtue is taught by the whole community.

  • Check the output column properties of under advanced editor for the data source , else use a data conversion under the transformation tab.

    DT_WSTR is for unicode.

    Jayanth Kurup[/url]

  • Hi I even tried converting to DT_WSTR, but still its giving out error .

  • What is the datatype of the source?

    What is the datatype of the destination?

    Also, be aware that using the conversion component doesn't actually convert the column, it rather makes a copy of that column with the converted values. So make sure you update your mapping in the destination.

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