SQL Server 2005 Enterprise on top of SQL Server 2005 Express

  • I was waiting to get my MSDN license. So for time being I installed SQL Server 2005 Express for the time being. I don't care about my database with Express.

    All I want is to be able to install SQL Server 2005 Enterprise.

    So I try to uninstall SQL Server 2005 Express to start with a clean slate. It uninstalled all components EXCEPT the main component. Darn thing will not uninstall. No errors, just doesn't uninstall.

    So I thought the heck with it. Let me just install SQL Server 2005 Enterprise. Problem is installation program tells me "Components I already have are newer than what I am trying to install, so take a hike".


    If I still had hair, I would pull it out. Now I'm just scratching my head leaving welts for the past 2 days. Tried everything I could on MSDN, etc. This forum is my last hope before I do something drastic...

  • A wild guess, but whenever I can't get SQL 2005 to install, it's because of the MSXML component and the 'Microsoft Fix It: Fix This Problem' button on this page does the trick.


    Madison, WI

  • I don't think my problem is exactly that but it seems to be similar. Here's what I see in my log file.

    >> C:\WINNT\system32\cmd.exe /c C:\WINNT\system32\cscript.exe "C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\XXX\CheckInstances.vbs"

    06/24/2011 12:27:49 Running the Security script with the remove option.

    ESE UNINSTALL ERROR: 7 Unable to locate the LOG FILE Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition_9.3.4035.00_3_U.LOG, Please Consult Application Documentation for details.

    BTW, I'm running on Windows XP. Now the first time I tried to uninstall from Add/Remove Programs, it did get rid of a few items in the list of related programs. But it left the main "SQL Server 2005 Express" entry.

    There has to be some way around this or fool my SQL Server 2005 Enterprise instance from thinking IT is the latest.

  • Take a look at this article by Microsoft, it makes mention of the registry (in one instance I had to hack it to get a complete uninstall to complete).


    Good Luck

    Chris Powell

    George: You're kidding.
    Elroy: Nope.
    George: Then lie to me and say you're kidding.

  • Already tried. Does not work for me :crying:

  • Finally figured it out.

    First I thought stopping the SQL Server services would be sufficient. It isn't.

    To be clear I was not able to clean out SQL Server 2005 Express on machine. Just mess it up manually enough so that SQL Server 2005 was able to install.

    The only other issue I hit was message that said MSSQL.1 directory had files from previous installation and that I should either move them out to restart installation. Now I wouldn't know how to specify THAT folder anyways, so I simply whacked the contents of MSSQL.1 folder and hit "Retry" and it went on it's way.

    Hopefully this helps someone.

  • Glad you got it figured out - thanks for posting back.

    Madison, WI

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