Group Records 1 to 1

  • I am trying to extract data from a source table where groups of fields in one table can relate to only one field in the same table. I have created some test data to give an example

    CREATE TABLE #Cartesis_to_hfm


    CartesisRU varchar(8)

    ,CartesisBU varchar(8)

    ,HFMEntity varchar(10)


    INSERT INTO #Cartesis_to_hfm

    SELECT 'RU303100', 'BU220405', 'NVR_N01_E' UNION ALL

    SELECT 'RU303100', 'BU220406', 'NVR_N01_E' UNION ALL

    SELECT 'RU303100', 'BU220407', 'NVR_N01_E' UNION ALL

    SELECT 'RU303100', 'BU220408', 'NVR_N01_E' UNION ALL

    SELECT 'RU303102', 'BU220406', 'NVR_N03_E' UNION ALL

    SELECT 'RU303402', 'BU250406', 'NVR_N10_E' UNION ALL

    SELECT 'RU305102', 'BU220471', 'NVR_N09_E'

    Based on this data applied i would like to only extract data where the combination of :

    CartesisRU with any CartesisBU gives the same HFMEntity

    In the example above I would only like to output to be


    this is because only regardless of what CartesisBU is present it there is only one HFMEntity Asscoiated with it. I.E a one to one.

    Any ideas?

  • How abt this:

    select CartesisRU

    from #Cartesis_to_hfm

    group by CartesisRU

    HAVING MAX(HFMEntity) = MIN(HFMEntity)

  • So you want a result set showing the cartesisRU and its unique HFMEntity values?

    Is that correct?

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  • I was going more along the lines of

    select cartesisRU

    From #Cartesis_to_hfm

    group by cartesisru,hfmentity

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  • Using max and min seems to work. However I must admit I am a little unclear with the logic. Could you explain please.

  • Took me a second to understand it too.

    I believe the logic is, if there is one and only one entity for the RU, then show it. (adhering to your 1 to 1 requirement)

    so if you had






    you'd only see RU3002.

    This is because the max(entity) for ru3001 = 'nn002' and min(entity) = 'nn001' which are not equal and will not be returned.

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  • calvo (6/9/2011)

    Took me a second to understand it too.

    I believe the logic is, if there is one and only one entity for the RU, then show it. (adhering to your 1 to 1 requirement)

    so if you had






    you'd only see RU3002.

    This is because the max(entity) for ru3001 = 'nn002' and min(entity) = 'nn001' which are not equal and will not be returned.

    but in your exampl, how is max(entity) for ru3001 = 'nn002'.

  • It's in alphabetical order so min is nn001 and max is nn002.

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  • calvo (6/9/2011)

    Took me a second to understand it too.

    I believe the logic is, if there is one and only one entity for the RU, then show it. (adhering to your 1 to 1 requirement).

    Exactly! If there is only one HFMEntity assignemtn to an RU , then MAX(HFMEntity) will be equal to MIN(HFMENtitiy). You clear on the logic?

  • ok, but in my real example the entities are not in alphabetical order.

  • min() and max() don't care if they are in order or not. The functions do some fancy behind the scenes tempdb sorting stuff which isn't super important (at this point). They can find the min/max value alphabetically or numerically based on the data type.

    Here's an example.

    create table #temp (col1 varchar(2))

    insert into #temp (col1)

    values ('a'),('c'),('d'),('e'),('f'),('z'),('j')

    select max(col1),min(col1) from #temp

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  • Oh ok that makes now. cheers

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