SSL Encryption without Forced encrytpion - how to test

  • I've set up and instance to allow ssl connections as per this article:

    I've left the 'ForceEncryption' option set as 'no' due to logistical issues. (We need encryption from one source, but not necessarily other sources)

    I plan to set up a mock up SSIS job to test with the client's certificate with the option to 'force encryption protocol' then again without it. If the data will transmit under both conditions, I think I'm good from a client perspective.

    Is there any way to verify that the encryption is working though? Any way to verify that the data is encrypted?

  • You can check for encrypted connections with this query:

    SELECT *

    FROM sys.dm_exec_connections

    WHERE encrypt_option = 'TRUE' ;

    There are no special teachers of virtue, because virtue is taught by the whole community.

  • You can also monitor the data packets sent across the network with the help of Netmon tool. This tool is available at sysinternals site.

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