set collation of ReportServer databases

  • When the Reporting Services feature of SQL Server 2008 R2 was added to an installation of SQL Server 2008 R2 there was not an opportunity to designate the collation for the database. I assumed [incorrectly] that the default collation of the SQL Server model database would be used.

    Is there a step in the installation of Reporting Services that allows for a specific collation to be designated? Did I miss that tab?

    I don't like it that the ReportServer and ReportServerTempDB databases have a different collation than all the other databases we are using.

    Any information will be greatly appreciated. I am at a point where I could uninstall [again] and reinstall Reporting Services now if there is a way to match up the collation with the server at installation. I know that I can alter the database to change the collation and it will affect new objects ... but that would be even worse.

    Thank you

  • the RS DB's are created by script which is done at the configuration stage.

    as these DB's are only ever used by the SSRS service then there is no logical need to change the collation

    personally I wouldnt change the collationas you dont know if there are any collationspecifc commands built into SSRS which a change of collation will break

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