Project records using a view or something?

  • Ok, I know my Subject line isn't great, but I'm not sure exactly what I am looking for.

    I'll give a simplified version of what I am looking to do.

    Say I have a table called MyData that has a Name and a Date like

    Susan 1-1-2009

    Bobby 9-5-2008

    And I want to calculate additional records based on that table, so that in another table or another view or something I see the Name and the Date incrementing by a year but not past the present date. So today, on 6-23-2011 it'd look like

    Susan 1-1-2009

    Susan 1-1-2010

    Susan 1-1-2011

    Bobby 9-5-2008

    Bobby 9-5-2009

    Bobby 9-5-2010

    I know I could have a table where I insert each line as a new record, but I am looking for something less space consuming and more dynamic. So that, without having to do anything, if I open it on 11-8-2011 I'll see

    Susan 1-1-2009

    Susan 1-1-2010

    Susan 1-1-2011

    Bobby 9-5-2008

    Bobby 9-5-2009

    Bobby 9-5-2010

    Bobby 9-5-2011

    It seems to me like there must be a good way to do this in SQL, but I'm still new enough to it that I could really use some guidance.

    Can anyone point me in the right direction here?

  • You must use DATEADD (datepart , number , date ) function to increment your Date.

    See below what i had done.

    select getdate()

    Select Dateadd(yy,1,getdate())

    Create table DateData(EName varchar(20), TDate Datetime)

    insert into DateData values('Prashant',getdate())

    insert into DateData values('Sagar',getdate()-1)

    insert into DateData values('Vaibhav',getdate()-2)

    Select EName,Tdate,DateAdd(yy,1,Tdate) as IncrementDate from DateData

  • use madworks


    declare @table table


    name varchar(10),

    ddatetime datetime


    insert into @table

    select 'Bobby', GETDATE()-365


    select 'Mary' , GETDATE() - 512


    select * from @table


    With CTE as (

    select name , ddatetime from @table

    union All

    Select name,DATEADD(yy,1,ddatetime) from cte c

    where DATEDIFF(yy,ddatetime,getdate()) >0


    select * from cte

    order by name

    Jayanth Kurup[/url]

  • Jayanth_Kurup:

    It looks like common table expressions may work for me.

    I've been playing around with it, but could use a little more help if you don't mind.

    So, I'm basing this off of a table named TEST that has

    name ddatetime

    Bobby 1/1/2009

    Mary 6/30/2008

    And I run this code:


    With CTE as (

    select name , ddatetime from TEST

    union All

    Select name, DATEADD(yy,1,ddatetime) from cte c

    where DATEDIFF(yy,ddatetime,getdate()) >0


    select * from cte

    order by name

    And the results are

    Bobby 2009-01-01 00:00:00.000

    Bobby 2010-01-01 00:00:00.000

    Bobby 2011-01-01 00:00:00.000

    Mary 2008-06-30 00:00:00.000

    Mary 2009-06-30 00:00:00.000

    Mary 2010-06-30 00:00:00.000

    Mary 2011-06-30 00:00:00.000

    This is close to what I am looking for, but I don't want ddatetime to go past the current date, so I don't want that last line

    Mary 2011-06-30 00:00:00.000

    because we haven't gotten to 6/30/2011 yet.

  • you just need to add another condition in the where clause to do a datediff on the day as well

    Jayanth Kurup[/url]

  • I've been trying to play with that, but I am unsuccessful.

    I want to add this, right?

    (DATEDIFF(dd,ddatetime,getdate()) > 0)

    Where do I add that? We're not talking about the outside select statement, right?

    It should be somewhere in the CTE definition, correct?

  • Nevermind that last post. I got what I need.

    Thanks for your help!

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