Daily, Weekly, Monthly and yearly reports

  • Am generating a report using SSRS 2008 R2. In my report I have to generate the report daily, weekly, monthly and yearly basis.

    I have Date column in my table, i tried to GroupBy this Date, and its working fine, but I need to display daily, weekly, monthly and yearly. How can I group by these . can anyone help me here. Thanks in advance

  • Are you talking about different levels of aggregation on the same report? Is your source relational or a cube?

  • I dont understand......what is relational and cube

  • Relational database, or an OLAP cube.

  • relational only

  • OK, so you are using a relational source. Do you want different levels of aggregations in different columns? For example

    SalesRep YesterdaySales WeekToDateSales MonthToDateSales YearToDateSales

  • am trying to display the student attendance, for example, the student absentees list in daily,weekly,monthly and yearly basis

  • shanish (4/12/2012)

    am trying to display the student attendance, for example, the student absentees list in daily,weekly,monthly and yearly basis

    Help us help you. Please read and follow the instructions in this article, http://qa.sqlservercentral.com/articles/Best+Practices/61537/. It will show you what and how to post the information we need to really help you slove your problem.

    Be sure to include the expected results based on your sample data that you will provide so we have something to check our results and be sure we are giving you what you need.

  • Thanks Lynn,I ll do it

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