Cross relationship.

  • tableA

    OrgId ParentId

    1 1

    2 3

    3 2

    4 1

    5 1

    how do I diplay relationship where OrgId 2 has its parent as 3 and Orgid 3 has its parent as 2.

    This is a bug but I need to retrieve that in query

  • Without anymore description or sample data than that, it would just be:

    select *

    from tableA

    where (orgid = 2 and parentid = 3) or (orgid = 3 and parentid = 2)

    But I assume there is more to the problem than just that.

  • As roryp says, you haven't given us enough information to give you a satisfactory answer.

    Please read this link[/url] about how best to provide us with working sample data and expected outcome.

    For now, does this help?


    --First, let's create some sample data that people can use

    CREATE TABLE hierarchy (OrgId TINYINT, ParentId TINYINT)

    INSERT INTO hierarchy

    SELECT * FROM (VALUES(1,1),(2,3),(3,2),(4,1),(5,1))a(OrgId,ParentId)

    SELECT *

    FROM hierarchy main

    --Get child


    OrgId AS childid

    FROM hierarchy

    WHERE main.OrgId = ParentId) child


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  • I tried this self join which seemed to work.

    select o.*


    tableA o

    inner join

    tableA c

    on o.OrgId = c.ParentID

    and o.ParentID= c.OrgId


    o.OrgId <> o.ParentID

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