
  • Hi Friends ,

    I have small doubt in sql . suppose

    1st table data types id=int (its primarykey) and amount =int

    1st tablename = table1 contain data like id , amount

    256 , 1200

    257 , 1232

    258 , 1260

    259 , 1400

    256 , 5600

    259 , 4700

    2nd table data type id=int (its foreign key) and dloc =varchar

    2nd table name =table2 contain data like id , dloc

    2561 ,hyd

    2562 ,hyd

    2571 ,naguru

    2581 , ranu

    2591 ,chen

    2592 ,chen

    How to join both table data

  • Hi asranantha,

    Please clarify the term "join" you only can join tables when both tables has the same id's using the statement

    INNER JOIN Table1.ID ON Table2.ID, but if you need to perform a Union between tables you must to use Union Clause.However when using the UNION command all selected columns need to be of the same data type. With UNION, only distinct values are selected.

  • Looking at this post, it is a bit more difficult to know what you are trying to accomplish. Looking at the data, however, I was able to make a simple assumption as to how the data might be related.

    Please look at the code below and if you have any questions, please ask.

    -- Create tables for work in Sandbox

    create table dbo.Table1(

    id int,

    amount int


    create table dbo.Table2(

    id int,

    dloc varchar(10)


    -- Populate tables with sample data

    insert into dbo.Table1(id, amount)

    select 256, 1200 union all

    select 257, 1232 union all

    select 258, 1260 union all

    select 259, 1500 union all

    select 256, 5600 union all

    select 259, 4700;

    insert into dbo.Table2(id, dloc)

    select 2561, 'hyd' union all

    select 2562, 'hyd' union all

    select 2571, 'naguru' union all

    select 2581, 'ranu' union all

    select 2591, 'chec' union all

    select 2592, 'chen';

    -- Some assumptions based on the data. The ID in Table 2 is a combined value with

    -- the first three values representing the id in Table 1 and the last part an occurance

    -- number. Based on this assumption the following should work.

    with T1BaseData as (



    ROW_NUMBER() over (PARTITION BY id order by (select null)) seq,



    dbo.Table1 t1


    T2BaseData as (


    CAST(left(cast(t2.id as varchar),3) as int) id,

    CAST(SUBSTRING(cast(t2.id as varchar),4,DATALENGTH(cast(t2.id as varchar)) - 3) as int) seq,



    dbo.Table2 t2








    T1BaseData bd1

    inner join T2BaseData bd2

    on (bd1.id = bd2.id

    and bd1.seq = bd2.seq)

    order by




    drop table dbo.Table1;

    drop table dbo.Table2;

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