Switching UNION to PIVOT?

  • ***Edited because of the common sense suggestion that I actually demonstrate what I'm working with 🙂 *** See below.

  • It is totally unclear what your question is here. You need to more clearly explain what you are trying to do. If you want help with the actual code you will need to post ddl, sample data and desired output. Take a look at the first link in my signature for best practices on posting questions.


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  • Here's an example table:



    Start_ID CHAR(10) NOT NULL,

    School_State_Start CHAR(25) NOT NULL,









    ('1234', 'Ready'),

    ('5678', 'Ready'),

    ('6546', 'Ready'),

    ('9874', 'Ready'),

    ('6510', 'Ready'),

    ('9871', 'Ready'),

    ('3333', 'Soon'),

    ('1111', 'Soon'),

    ('2222', 'Soon'),

    ('4444', 'Soon'),

    ('5555', 'Soon'),

    ('6666', 'Soon'),

    ('7777', 'Soon'),

    ('9876', 'Someday'),

    ('9999', 'Someday'),

    ('1298', 'Someday'),

    ('4321', 'Someday')

    Here is the query I used to stack the results in SSMS to make analysis easier

    SELECT 'Ready' AS 'Current Cycle', COUNT(DISTINCT.Start.Start_ID) AS Count

    FROM Start

    WHERE Start.School_State_Start = 'Ready'


    SELECT 'Soon' AS 'Current Cycle', COUNT(DISTINCT.Start.Start_ID) AS Count

    FROM Start

    WHERE Start.School_State_Start = 'Soon'


    SELECT 'Someday' AS 'Current Cycle', COUNT(DISTINCT.Start.Start_ID) AS Count

    FROM Start

    WHERE Start.School_State_Start = 'Someday'

    This query prints the name of School_State_Start and then counts the distinct instances of the Start_ID per School_State_Start. However, I'm wanting to put School_State_Start in the column, and count the distinct Start_ID's in the row immediately beneath it. Something like this:

    Ready Soon Someday

    6 7 4

    I've played around with a few things, but haven't come up with a good solution just yet.

  • Just thought I would bump this once to see if anyone had a suggestions. If not, no problem.

  • Does the following do what you want?

    SELECT SUM(CASE WHEN School_State_Start = 'Ready' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS Ready

    ,SUM(CASE WHEN School_State_Start = 'Soon' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS Soon

    ,SUM(CASE WHEN School_State_Start = 'Someday' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS Someday

    FROM Start


  • Dave beat me to it. You either pivot or crosstab, and he's provided an excellent example of the crosstab.

    Pivots tend to be slower optimization-wise, and they're not necessarily easier, either.

    - Craig Farrell

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