Overall sql memory consumption

  • Hi

    I am so confused,Please help me.I have lots of questions

    1.Why does one process(for example sql server) use virtual memory?

    2.What does max server memory in sql mean?Is it the max space of physical memory that sql can use?so sql cant use more than that amount?

    3.In this DMV “sys.dm_os_process_memory” what does column “physical_memory_in_use_kb” include?Does it include the column “virtual_address_space_committed_kb” and “MPA” (multiple page allocator) and “AWE” and “large_page_allocations_kb” ?

    I mean to find out how much memory sql server has allocated,we should just add “physical_memory_in_use_kb” and MPA and AWE(“locked_page_allocations_kb”) and “large_page_allocations_kb” and “virtual_address_space_committed_kb” together and that’s the Overall sql memory consumption?

  • Have you tried looking in Books Online, or using a search engine? Many of the topics you mention have already been covered at great length.

    There are no special teachers of virtue, because virtue is taught by the whole community.

  • Tanx so much

    now i have a question

    why the Total server memory in Performance monitor is less than physical_memory_in_use_kb in table sys.dm_os_process_memory.

    my AWE is off and these tow are zero



    also SQL diagnostic manager ,shows the sql use as Total server memory in Performance monitor .

  • I think "Total server memory(KB)" is the size of buffer pool and "physical_memory_in_use_kb" is total physical memory used by sql server

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