multiply aggregate

  • hi

    i have three rows in a table for each product. each line represent a different unit of measure value.


    row 1 = 1 (qty in units)

    row 2 = 6 (units in a case)

    row 3 = 1020 (cases to a pallet)

    i need to get the total number of units to a pallet. The best way i can think to do this is to multiply the value in each line, i.e. 1x6x1020 = 6120 units to a pallet). Is there an aggregate i can use for this like SUM() that will multiply the lines?? any suggestions on how to get the total value?


  • You can sum the logs. A SQLCLR aggregate would work as well.


    INSERT INTO @t(Row,Qty)



    SELECT 3,1020


    FROM @t

    You'll have to handle zero quantities yourself here, otherwise you'll get an error.


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  • Or like this, depending on your data:

    SELECT r1.ProductID,

    [total number of units to a pallet] = r1.[qty in units] * r2.[units in a case] * r3.[cases to a pallet]

    FROM Products r1

    INNER JOIN Products r2

    ON r2.ProductID = r1.ProductID AND r2.RowType = 'units in a case'

    INNER JOIN Products r3

    ON r3.ProductID = r1.ProductID AND r3.RowType = 'cases to a pallet'

    WHERE r1.RowType = 'qty in units'

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  • Simple answer to your question is: NO - such aggregate function does not exist. There is a rationale behind it I guess. Such function would easely cause overflow.

    You can try use EXP(SUM(LOG(Column))), but I'm not sure how it will work for large datasets.

    Also, there is an option to write user defined aggregate CLR function.

    BUT, wait untill JC will see your post...:w00t: You will then know that your table is not a table ๐Ÿ˜€

    It does look like crap design to me. You should really consider to turn your rows to columns...

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  • BUT, wait untill JC will see your post... [w00t] You will then know that your table is not a table [BigGrin]

    Wow, Jesus monitors this forum too?


    If you haven't even tried to resolve your issue, please don't expect the hard-working volunteers here to waste their time providing links to answers which you could easily have found yourself.

  • Phil Parkin (8/15/2011)

    BUT, wait untill JC will see your post... [w00t] You will then know that your table is not a table [BigGrin]

    Wow, Jesus monitors this forum too?


    Joe Celko advertises his books here almost like testaments, so take it is as you wish but I'm atheist in this regard :hehe:

    "The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing"
    "O skol'ko nam otkrytiy chudnyh prevnosit microsofta duh!":-D
    (So many miracle inventions provided by MS to us...)

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  • thanks all (special thanks to the messiah),

    yes i know the design is crap. it's from an old proteus db which it causing me serious headaches.

    i've finally had to create a pivot table which i can split into 3 columns and multiply from there. by no means a desirable result but one that works.

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