Pie Chart with Date Ranges

  • Hi, I'm fairly new to SSRS and am struggling with how to get my data presented in a pie chart correctly.

    I have aquery that returns 2 columns, 1 contained machine names and the other containing the date that inventory was last returned. I want to have a pie chart that is split showing the % that returned inventory in the last week, last month and more than a month. What's th ebest way of doing this in SSRS 2005? Many thanks for any advice.

  • Think I've sussed it, basically add an extra field assigning a number value for each range I want and use that for the pie data.

  • That would be the best solution. Solve the grouping within the SQL Query that you use as a source for the report.

    Don't forget to exclude (subtract) the last week's inventory from the last month's so you won't count anything double.

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