Report Name in the Header

  • I have the RDDs and in the report I hardcoded the report name in the header. Is there any way i can get report name from the DB. If i put the Built in function[&Reportname] i get the Name i specified for the report. But the header has to be different name which is report description. Can i get it from the DB.

  • somebody please help me.

  • I think you should be able to add the field as a column in your query, and then put a textbox on your report in the header and set it using the Expression Editor to the field under datasets.

  • You could create a Dataset called ReportTitle which queries a DB for the Report names but you'd need to include a reference of some kind in the DS query and include the reference mapping column in whichever table contains the report names.

    eg. SELECT ReportName FROM dbo.ReportMetaData WHERE ReportCode = <reportcode>

  • Thank you guys it helped me a lot.

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