Report Format tweaked upon deploy

  • I have a report where I have a few datasets (simply because there is so much data and it's so diverse). I've matched the tables together so that it looks like one grid. Things look fine in BIDS. But when I deploy the report a very small space appears between two of the tables that are matched in BIDS. Has anyone else experienced this?

  • ...I went ahead and took a screen-shot. I linked to the image below. I've tried CTRL arrows to bump them up, but simply can't get them to move.

  • Have you tried CTRL-Mouse Wheel scrolling to get right up close? Focus on the table and CTRL-Arrow until they are snug (2005 solution!).

  • Simon - Thanks for your reply. Yes, I'm trying this. But I'm not getting anywhere. It's almost like some of the formatting doesn't transfer correctly, or there is some padding I'm not seeing. I even tried deleting that whole section of the report and starting from scratch. Super frustrating!! I've been trying to remove these spaces for hours!

  • I don't know if it helps, but here are some more screen-shots:

    Here is the view in BIDS:

    And here is the view of the report after being deployed and accessed from the report server:

    (You can see from the lower left-hand corner it's happening in more than one spot. This is just an example.)

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