data type converstion into SSIS?

  • I have created one SSIS package from flat file i'm getting one price value

    but in derived table i'm converting that values into (DT_DECIMAL) as i need to insert it into database.

    My problem is value is 12345.6754 but i want to take only 2 digits after decimal i.e i want 12345.67

    for that i tried (DT_DECIMAL,2)MYCOLUMN and (DT_NUMERIC,10,2) MYCOLUMN too , but then also it is giving me 12345.6754 🙁

    please help

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  • ohh right lastly some where it is refereeing old column..

    but it is giving output like '50265539.0600'

    i don't want last '00' just want output as '50265539.06'

    i have used (DT_DECIMAL,2)NewColumn

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