Clearing SQL 2005/20008 TempDB

  • We have an alert that allows us to monitor the system TempDB on SQL 2005 and 2008 instances. The monitor basically monitors the TempDB and reports back the LogSpaceUsed% if for 30 straight minutes the threshold is over 60% [fyi, I runs DBCC SQLPERF ('logspace')behind the scenes]. The LogSpaceUsed% value does go down, but never to an acceptable level (for instance the log file size is 16 GB and 8 GB or 50% never seems to clear).

    How do I go about finding what exactly is in the Temp DB using these resources so I can start to troubleshoot the calls? What is the best way of tackling finding out the contents.

    Any thought or help would be appreciated.

  • Why not just shrink it with DBCC SHRINKFILE commands and/or create mulitple files?

  • I do not think you understand. Why shrink the Temp DB? Llet me start again.

    System TempDB has 1 LDF device of 16 GB. We get alerts when the TempDB Usage is over 60%, meaning there are transaction using the TempDB. Once a transaction is finished, it should clear out of the log. I am looking for help finding the best way to see what is actually using resources in the TempDB log at any given time. I am not looking shring Temp DB (and this is definitely not recommended practice from Microsoft). I want the 16 GB log file, I just want to see if I can find out what is using the space.

    "Hmmm. Lets go see what is utilizing the TempDb right now."


  • That is exactly what I needed. If I find any issues, I will post it. Thanks!

  • thanks guys. also helped me

    Ian Cockcroft
    MCITP BI Specialist

  • brekher (10/14/2011)

    Why not just shrink it with DBCC SHRINKFILE commands and/or create mulitple files?

    How about because if you try to do a shrink on temp db while the server is in other than a single user mode, you could end up corrupting databases.

    Also, shrinking Temp DB is normally a futile exercise unless you've found out and fixed whatever made it grow beyond expectations.

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  • Jeff Moden (10/22/2012)

    a futile exercise

    we are Borg 😀 😉


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