Identifying SSRS Subscription Users

  • Hello

    We have an external facing custom .NET website that allows clients to run reports. We authenticate external users using forms authentication. Once they are authenticated, they are redirected to landing page and from there they can run a set of reports.

    Once a user ran a report, he/she subscribes to the report to be delivered by email. I would like to know who the user is from reportserver's subscriptions table.

    We cannot use AD otherwise this wouldn't have been an issue.

    Is there anything I can do to achieve the above?

    Thanks in Advance.

  • Does this work for you?

    use ReportServer


    SELECT UserName, sub.*

    FROM dbo.Subscriptions sub

    inner join dbo.Users u on sub.OwnerID = u.UserID

  • This would have worked but we don't have external users in the Users table. They all are in a custom apsnetdb database.

  • Ok, I see. What values are listed in the OwnerId field of the subscriptions table?


  • OwnerID field has no value. It is blank because we have not yet created any subscriptions. On Non-Production environment we have created and tested subscriptions but not on LIVE.

    On LIVE, we want to see the UserID/UserName of an external user such as 'User123'.

    Thanks for your help.

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