Need help building this report

  • I'm a beginner to ssrs & I've been asked to create a report that I would categorize as a report on more of the advanced side. I need to create a report that shows total qty of items sold, broken out by month, using plus boxes to drill down by month (see sample image below).

    The fields I'm returning from my database are the following:

    •Item Number

    •Order Date (mm/dd/yyyy format)

    •Quantity Ordered

    Does anyone know how I can go about setting up this report or know of any good tutorials that can assist me? Any help would be greatly appreciated, even if it's just a starting point.


  • Hi,

    I would create a query in your dataset that would return the item, year, month and total.

    I would insert an extra field which would return the month number, so you can sort the months by number rather than name.

    Then I would insert the month and total in the detail section of a table. The detail section normally has '=' symbol in the row header.

    Add a group parent group for the Item and include a group header

    Add a child group for the year and include a group header

    For the drill down in the row groups right click on the detail group select properties and then select the visibility option. In this section select the option display can be toggled by this report item from the pick list choose the year.

    Hope this helps

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