"Select All" for multivalue parameter problem, report now showing

  • Greetings. I have a report deployed in a sharepoint dashboard library with a multivalued parameter called departments.

    As many nultivalued parameters, it'a available and dafault values come from a dataset queried from the main table (excluding the null values).

    This parameter had 465 options until yesterday and it worked perfectly.

    Today, the report, when I open it in the link, it shows the loading icon for a few secconds and then it dissapears.


    -When Select All is selected, it will have this error

    -When all are selected but Select All is not, the report shows the results

    I have no idea why this happends or how to sole it. I´d appreciate if you could help me, thank you

    Thank you.

  • try to upload it again..!!

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