Linked server error.

  • Hello All,

    I am hoping that some one will be able to help me out in this. I have been trying to resolve this whole day today without any success.

    i have setup up a linked server between SERVER A and SERVER B. For security I have used " be made using this security context" with a SQL SERVER LOGIN.

    this LOGIN is on both server A and B.

    the linked server has been created successfully.

    i ran a query from server A using my credentials ( i am sysadmin on both server)

    Select * from SERVER A.MSDB.dbo.SYSJobs sucessfully.

    but when I ran the using "execute AS" for a developer for which this linked server is created it fails with the error.

    "Access to the remote server is denied because the current security context is not trusted"

    any input is welcome.

    Thanks in advance.

  • TRUSTWORTHY on the remote databases is not set? just guessing...

    --Vadim R.

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