How to do this? Part-2

  • I have a table A:

    StudID RollNo

    Alpha D1234

    beta A1122

    charlie D1234

    bravo C1342

    tom B1964

    harry A1122

    and table B:

    RollNo SubjectCode

    D1234 1001

    A1122 4001

    D1234 2001

    C1342 5001

    B1964 6001

    A1122 3001

    I want to join the table A and B. For studID Alpha from table A i want the subjectcode 1001 only from table B and not want what other subjectcodes as you can see 'D1234' is repeated in table B.

  • The same comment applies as from your last thread. There is no guaranteed row order in SQL tables, therefore you cannot ask for 'the first occurrence' unless you define an order explicitly.

    If you haven't even tried to resolve your issue, please don't expect the hard-working volunteers here to waste their time providing links to answers which you could easily have found yourself.

  • ganeshkumar005 (8/24/2012)

    I have a table A:

    StudID RollNo

    Alpha D1234

    beta A1122

    charlie D1234

    bravo C1342

    tom B1964

    harry A1122

    and table B:

    RollNo SubjectCode

    D1234 1001

    A1122 4001

    D1234 2001

    C1342 5001

    B1964 6001

    A1122 3001

    I want to join the table A and B. For studID Alpha from table A i want the subjectcode 1001 only from table B and not want what other subjectcodes as you can see 'D1234' is repeated in table B.

    I'm going to assume you want the lowest SubjectCode.

    --== SAMPLE DATA

    SELECT StudID, RollNo

    INTO #tableA

    FROM (VALUES('Alpha','D1234'),('beta','A1122'),('charlie','D1234'),('bravo','C1342'),

    ('tom','B1964'),('harry','A1122'))a(StudID, RollNo);

    --== SAMPLE DATA

    SELECT RollNo, SubjectCode

    INTO #tableB

    FROM (VALUES('D1234',1001),('A1122',4001),('D1234',2001),('C1342',5001),('B1964',6001),

    ('A1122',3001))a(RollNo, SubjectCode);


    SELECT tblA.StudID, tblA.RollNo, subQuery.SubjectCode

    FROM #tableA tblA

    CROSS APPLY (SELECT TOP 1 RollNo, SubjectCode

    FROM #tableB tblB

    WHERE tblA.RollNo = tblB.RollNo) subQuery;

    Also, take a look at this link about SQL Server ordering.

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  • both these posts looked way to much like homework;

    I don't think the OP will learn anything if we do the work for him, without letting him learn the techniques.


    --help us help you! If you post a question, make sure you include a CREATE TABLE... statement and INSERT INTO... statement into that table to give the volunteers here representative data. with your description of the problem, we can provide a tested, verifiable solution to your question! asking the question the right way gets you a tested answer the fastest way possible!

  • Lowell - there could be always some lateral learnings. You write a script, I see how to write it. I am not into T-SQl by the way. And thanks for your help, everybody.

  • You can do it using CTE also.

    --========= Student table

    IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#Student') IS NOT NULL


    DROP TABLE #Student



    CREATE TABLE #Student


    StudID VARCHAR(100),

    RollNo VARCHAR(100)



    INSERT INTO #Student VALUES('Alpha', 'D1234')

    INSERT INTO #Student VALUES('beta', 'A1122')

    INSERT INTO #Student VALUES('charlie', 'D1234')

    INSERT INTO #Student VALUES('bravo', 'C1342')

    INSERT INTO #Student VALUES('tom', 'B1964')

    INSERT INTO #Student VALUES('harry', 'A1122')


    --========= StudentSubjects table

    IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#StudentSubjects') IS NOT NULL


    DROP TABLE #StudentSubjects



    CREATE TABLE #StudentSubjects


    RollNo VARCHAR(100),

    SubjectCode VARCHAR(100),



    INSERT INTO #StudentSubjects VALUES ('D1234', 1001)

    INSERT INTO #StudentSubjects VALUES ('A1122', 4001)

    INSERT INTO #StudentSubjects VALUES ('D1234', 2001)

    INSERT INTO #StudentSubjects VALUES ('C1342', 5001)

    INSERT INTO #StudentSubjects VALUES ('B1964', 6001)

    INSERT INTO #StudentSubjects VALUES ('A1122', 3001)


    --======= Solution:

    ;WITH MyCTE (RollNo, LowestSubjectCode)



    SELECT RollNo, MIN (SubjectCode) AS LowestSubjectCode FROM #StudentSubjects GROUP BY RollNo


    SELECT S.StudId,S.RollNo,MC.LowestSubjectCode


    ON S.RollNo = MC.RollNo

    Sujeet Singh

  • i've put more than a few posts on the board here on SSC, so I've helped an aweful lot of people.


    the best way to learn is to try. if you posted a query that wasn't working, but showed effort, we could help you learn.

    I'm really afraid you'll just take the solutions here, hand them in, but not understand them;

    when the next question comes that is similar, you'll be stuck, because you didn't get a handle on hte original.


    --help us help you! If you post a question, make sure you include a CREATE TABLE... statement and INSERT INTO... statement into that table to give the volunteers here representative data. with your description of the problem, we can provide a tested, verifiable solution to your question! asking the question the right way gets you a tested answer the fastest way possible!

  • Agree with you.

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