Some Excel rows not importing to SQL Server

  • I've been searching and found some similar issues but nothing exactly like this.

    I had a simple SSIS package that simply imports data from one Excel worksheet into a table in SQL Server. Just recently I noticed it isn't importing all the data--it is only importing 322 rows of 331. The rows it is not importing are the last 9 rows of the spreadsheet. I think it must be something in the spreadsheet itself since I rebuilt the ETL using the SSIS wizard in SSMS and the same result. For a minute I thought it might have something to do with the final page break in Excel (grasping at straws time) but the last page has the last 8 rows, not the last 9.

    In Excel I also changed from normal to print layout view and got prompted saying it would remove frozen panes. Thought also that maybe that might have been the issue (think I saw a thread on that one) but I saved it without the frozen panes and the same result.

    Again, I've seen some threads on datatype conversion, but doesn't seem like that is the issue here.

    Thanks for any help.

  • Is it perhaps importing a named range on the spreadsheet?

    If you haven't even tried to resolve your issue, please don't expect the hard-working volunteers here to waste their time providing links to answers which you could easily have found yourself.

  • Don't think so. In SSIS the "AccessMode" property is set to "OpenRowset" and the "OpenRowset" property is set to "sheetname". I haven't played with it but I understand that if you set the OpenRowset property to something like "sheetname$B2:F900" you can get a specified range. But that is not happening here.

    Is there any other way it could be getting a named range? I don't think that is it though, as the last time through I just used the SSIS wizard and didn't do anything special.

  • Anyone?

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