get all values separated by commas

  • Comments posted to this topic are about the item get all values separated by commas

  • Neat use of update. This can also be done using the FOR XML construct:

    select SUBSTRING((SELECT (',' + id) FROM teste ORDER BY id FOR XML PATH('') ), 2, 1000)

  • nice, but lookout to the substring length, as i have to lookout for the nvarchar max length.

  • stuff((select ',' + ID

    from teste

    for XML path(''),TYPE).value('(./text())[1]','NVARCHAR(MAX)'





    This copes with any string length.

  • Hi-

    How about something like the following. It may have some bugs but can be used as a starting point.

    drop procedure sp_splitIntoIndividualComponents


    create procedure sp_splitIntoIndividualComponents


    declare @STR varchar(200)

    set @STR = '2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,'

    ;With t1(n1, str1, str2, n)



    select 1, convert(varchar(200), (substring(@str, 0, charIndex(',', @STR)))) str1,

    convert(varchar(200), (substring(@str, charIndex(',', @STR) + 1, 20))) str2,

    charIndex(',', @STR) as n

    union all

    select 2, convert(varchar(200), (substring(t1.str2, 0, charIndex(',', t1.str2)))) str1,

    convert(varchar(200), (substring(t1.str2, charIndex(',', t1.str2) + 1, 20))) str2,

    charIndex(',', t1.str2) as n

    from t1 where CHARINDEX(',', t1.str2) > 0

    union all

    select 3, convert(varchar(200), t1.str2) str1,

    '' str2,

    charIndex(',', t1.str2) as n

    from t1 where CHARINDEX(',', t1.str2) = 0 and (LEN(t1.str1) > 0 Or LEN(t1.str2) > 0)


    select t1.str1 into #t from t1 where t1.str1 <> ''

    select * from #t


    exec sp_splitIntoIndividualComponents


  • Problem with recursive CTEs is that they are very slow in comparison to the XML method.

    Please see here[/url] for a much better article on the subject.

  • Arnold Lieberman (7/19/2012)

    stuff((select ',' + ID

    from teste

    for XML path(''),TYPE).value('(./text())[1]','NVARCHAR(MAX)'





    This copes with any string length.

    ok... i loved the for XML path.

    The stuff it's kind of cute, but i didn't understand TYPE... and the ./text thing... I have to study more.

    Where can I learn more about this stuff?

    I only have the 2778 MS Quering SQL server 2005 lessons's in the bag, and a little experience.


  • ok... i loved the for XML path.

    The stuff it's kind of cute, but i didn't understand TYPE... and the ./text thing... I have to study more.

    Where can I learn more about this stuff?

    I only have the 2778 MS Quering SQL server 2005 lessons's in the bag, and a little experience.


    Well, there's a fantastic website called SQL Server Central which I learned a lot from, and continue to do so!

    Most programmers who come from the usual programming languages have a hard time using tsql in the best manner. Declarative programming requires a completely different mindset to solving problems. My general rule of thumb is that if you have to use a loop or a cursor then you're doing it the wrong way 😀

  • Fewer steps and converts nulls to blanks if you want them (take out the ISNULL operator if you don't want null values). You can also easily make the delimiter a defined variable.

    --Create a test table

    CREATE TABLE dbo.Test (testval VARCHAR(10))


    --Insert values for testing

    INSERT INTO dbo.Test (testval) VALUES ('T1')

    INSERT INTO dbo.Test (testval) VALUES ('T2')

    INSERT INTO dbo.Test (testval) VALUES (NULL)

    INSERT INTO dbo.Test (testval) VALUES ('T3')



    SELECT @i = COALESCE(@i + ',','') + CAST((ISNULL(testval,'')) AS NVARCHAR(MAX))

    FROM dbo.Test

    SELECT @i

  • This is a great idea.

    Thanks for posting.

  • Check the article

Viewing 11 posts - 1 through 10 (of 10 total)

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