Group by column display in different place

  • Hi All,

    I am new to ssrs.

    In the Report body, I took a table and added few columns to it, grouped by one column and summed the totals.

    For instance,

    groupby column is ColA, other columns are ColB, ColC, ColD. I am summing the totals for ColC and ColD based on ColA.

    Now in general, ColA will appear in left most by preview.

    My requirement is, ColA value should appear on the top of the table, just above the ColB instead of left side to ColB.

  • I think I know what you want to do.

    Try Right clicking on the Cell Created when you grouped ColA, and Select Insert Row --> Inside Group Above.

    And then add the ColA to the cell you want.

    Then Change the width of the original ColA Cell to 0 It wont actually be 0, remove Borders from that cell and or set each cell as Hidden=True

  • Thanks Ray!

    It worked like a charm 🙂

    I stuck up with one more issue, merging cells vertically. I am not seeing this option when I select two columns vertically by right-clicking on it. I have to merge column headers (ColC and ColD) vertically in this scenario.

    I really appreciate your help.

  • I don't see a place where it will let you do this.

    Other than removing the horizontal borders in this cell I don't think it can be done.

  • Thanks Ray!

    So I will compromise on it, need to check with my boss 🙁

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