
  • Hi All,

    I've created a letter that gets prepopulated with data from a created query. The Letter breaks for every new 'Location' in the result set so things seem to be good there.

    The problem seems to be in the page breaks which are also affecting the Page Borders (where I've created an expression that changes the color of the border based on the criteria).

    The letter is created using a 'Table' with header, details, and footer (only 1 table). All of the text is pretty standard in the form except for what I'm calling for in the 'Details' section. ('details' could result in multiple rows for any given location).

    Can someone please help in providing guidance for appropriately applying the pagebreaks? I only care that the pagebreaks adhere to the page setting (i.e. 8.5 x 11) and the full page border that I've set is applied to 'every' page in the results.

    Any help?

    Desparately needing help on this one ;o(

    Many thanks,


  • Normally print formatting would not be done in the SQL. SQL would be used simply to select the data and another program would apply the print formatting to suit various paper sizes and margins etc,

    If there is a specific place you need a page break in the data, use CHAR(12) ASCII Code 0xC Form Feed


    SELECT 'My long line of data will page break here' + CHAR(12) + 'and this is on the next page';

    If you cut & paste the output of this into Word, you will get a page break.

  • Thanks Tom and apologies, but I think my message may have been somewhat misleading. I used Visual Studio to create the .rdl file.

    I'm trying to find out how to establish correct pagebreaks in the layout. I was told that the best way to establish pagebreaks for this would be to create a table in the layout and establish the pagebreaks accordingly.

    My problem is that I'm still getting blank pages, etc. and have tried different things but they are still not working properly.


  • Sorry I've never used reporting services.

    I'd recommend you repost the original question under "Reporting Services", "Reporting Services 2005 Development", making it clear you're looking for help with a .RDL file

    That way the right people will get to see it.

  • Great and will do; thanks again Tom and Happy Holidays!

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