How to confiure logins for databases in DR which already exists in DC

  • How to confiure logins for databases in DR[secondary server ] which already exists in

    DC[ primary server]

    1.logins which exists in DC[primary sever ] has to be created in DR[secondary server]

    Can any one plz guide

    In my way i think it has to be created each and every one individualy in DR like in DC !!

    is there any alternative or same step which i mentioned is enough


  • Easiest way would be to lookup a procedure called sp_help_revlogins

  • will this work out ?

    1. I'mean suppose a DR is configured newly for first time and then all databases are copied through logshipping

    2. At that time will ur suggestion works ?[creates all logins like in DC ]

    3. or else we have to create the all logins individualy


  • That procedure will generate a script which matches the username, SIDS, password etc etc, then you can run this on your DR server and when you fail over, because the SIDS match DC and DR your logins will continue to work as needed

  • Thanks for ur kind reply

    1. same like that it is configured by my senior i did'nt remembert exactly

    2. but in the DC DR drill application team trying to connect two logins but password they unable to get asked me to reset the password which i done later

    3. but again they are not able to connect for both logins after password is changed again i done the same but again same problem !!

    4. then i changed those both logins to default MASTER and again reset the password then they can able to login through those logins

    here is another problem now

    5. they want same previllages to both logins like in DC in Dr also which can be done in next DC DR DRILL for that what should i do if the same problem occurs and how should i give the same previllages to those 2 logins same like in DC in DR


  • If the databases are in standby mode they wont be able to connect to them, this is expected behavour.

    What is your DR method, mirroring? logshipping? etc etc

  • IT is logshipping with clustering after switch over we use this script to logins


    EXEC sp_change_users_login 'report'

    EXEC sp_change_users_login 'auto_fix',users


    if then logins will move from DC to DR after that '2' logins unable to connect coz of wrong password and it has changed even then unable to connect then before reseting password i used this script

    ALTER LOGIN loginname

    with DEFAULT_DATABASE = master

    then only application team can access the logins

    now they want to change from master to their defult database[three databases it has previlage previously]

    ithnk in the next DC DR if we change the logins

    from DC To DR

    with this script


    EXEC sp_change_users_login 'report'

    EXEC sp_change_users_login 'auto_fix',users


    there will not be any issue?????/


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