How do we calculate the Space used per row

  • Hi Everyone,

    Just have a doubt is there any way that we could calculate the space used per row.


  • It depends on the type of data you're storing. You will need a good handle on the datatypes used in SQL Server (start here: ) to know the difference between, for example, CHAR and VARCHAR, TINYINT/SMALLINT/INT/BIGINT, etc. and how they store data differently.

    There isn't really a magic bullet for this, it's just some calculation required on your part. There are some interesting articles out there on LOB-handling (off-row data storage) and storage required for header data. But I would start by simply calculating the average length of data in a given table, i.e. this would get an average amount of characters for a particular column in a table:

    CREATE TABLE dbo.test_table_12345 ( uid INT, this VARCHAR(20))

    INSERT INTO dbo.test_table_12345

    VALUES (1, 'afklda'), (2, 'fkalsdjflasd'), (3, 'fjasd'), (4, 'fkadlsjfladsjf'), (5, 'dalfj')

    SELECT AVG(LEN(this)) FROM dbo.test_table_12345

    Then depending on the data type, you can work out byte storage costs if that's what you want, or aggregate it for multiple columns.


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  • even for avg Data Size

    sp_spaceused TableName


    name rows reserved data index_size unused

    TableName 11 32 KB 8 KB 24 KB 0 KB

    then reserved/rows gives avg data size

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