Script doesn't seem to function

  • Hey guys...The script I If I also have to make a login. When my login on the server already exists, then the script isn't functioning any more. I'm trying to use my script to create the admin user on my database. Here's the code:

    USE [Abosystem4_Archiv_test]


    /****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[ArcivebaseUsers] Script Date: 08/21/2012 11:03:14 ******/





    ALTER Procedure [dbo].[ArcivebaseUsers]

    @rolename sysname ,

    @rolepasswd sysname,

    @admin sysname,

    @adminpasswd sysname


    DECLARE @sql1 nvarchar(4000)

    DECLARE @sql2 nvarchar(4000)

    DECLARE @sql3 nvarchar(4000)

    DECLARE @ret int

    --CREATE APPLICATION ROLE dds_arcivebaseadmin WITH PASSWORD = 'crpe32.dll'

    Select @ret = Count(*) from sys.database_principals where [name] = @rolename

    if @ret=0


    set @sql1 = 'CREATE APPLICATION ROLE ' + @rolename + ' WITH PASSWORD = ''' + @rolepasswd + ''''

    print @sql1

    exec sp_executesql @sql1

    if @@error<>0


    print 'Anwendungsrolle konnte nicht erstellt werden.'

    return (1)



    --CREATE LOGIN DDS_Admin with Password='crpe32.dll'

    Select @ret = Count(*) from sys.syslogins where [name] = @admin

    if @ret=0


    if (Select Count(*) from sys.sql_logins where [name] = @admin)=0


    set @sql2 = 'CREATE LOGIN ' + @admin + ' with Password=''' + @adminpasswd + ''''

    print @sql2

    exec sp_executesql @sql2

    if @@error <>0


    print 'Login DDS_Admin konnte nicht erstellt werden.'

    return (1)



    if (Select COUNT(*) from sys.database_principals where [name]=@admin)=0


    set @sql3 = 'CREATE USER ' + @admin

    exec sp_executesql @sql3

    print @sql3

    if @@error <>0


    print 'Benutzer DDS_Admin konnte nicht erstellt werden.'

    return (1)



    if (select COUNT(*) from users where [login]=@admin)=0


    print 'Insert statements...'

    Insert into users (username, login, login_until, login_time_start, login_time_end) values (@admin, @admin, '01.01.2030','00:00:00','23:59:59')

    Insert into users_groups (id_no_user, id_no_group) Select u.id_no, g.id_no from users u, groups g where g.groupname='Administratoren' and u.login=@admin

    Insert into users_groups (id_no_user, id_no_group) Select u.id_no, g.id_no from users u, groups g where g.groupname='Jeder' and u.login=@admin


    if (Select Count(*) from sys.database_principals where [name] = @admin)>0


    print 'rolemembers'

    exec sp_addrolemember 'db_accessadmin',@admin

    exec sp_addrolemember 'db_securityadmin',@admin

    exec sp_addrolemember 'db_datareader',@admin

    exec sp_addrolemember 'db_datawriter',@admin



    Select @ret = Count(*) from sys.database_principals where [name] = 'dds_arcivebase_user'

    if @ret=0


    --Erstelle Anwendungsrolle dds_arcivebaseuser mit Rechten

    print 'Create Role...'

    CREATE ROLE dds_arcivebase_user

    if @@error<>0


    print 'dds_arcivebase_user konnte nicht erstellt werden.'

    return (1)



    Select @ret = Count(*) from sys.database_principals where [name] = 'dds_arcivebase_user'

    if @ret<>0


    Grant exec on UpdateArchiveRights to dds_arcivebase_user

    Grant select, insert, update on annotations to dds_arcivebase_user

    Grant select, insert, update on archive_doc_attachment to dds_arcivebase_user

    Grant select, insert, update on archive_groups to dds_arcivebase_user

    Grant select, insert, update on archive_right to dds_arcivebase_user

    Grant select on archive_right_search to dds_arcivebase_user

    Grant select on archives_rights_search to dds_arcivebase_user

    Grant select on archive_groups_search to dds_arcivebase_user

    Grant select on [users_archives_search] to dds_arcivebase_user

    Grant select on archives to dds_arcivebase_user

    Grant select, insert, update on arcivebase_rights to dds_arcivebase_user

    Grant select on arcivebase_rights_search to dds_arcivebase_user

    Grant select, insert, update on document_words to dds_arcivebase_user

    Grant select, insert, update on group_rights to dds_arcivebase_user

    Grant select on groups to dds_arcivebase_user

    Grant select on history to dds_arcivebase_user

    Grant select on mediumtypes to dds_arcivebase_user

    Grant select on rights to dds_arcivebase_user

    Grant select on user_groups_search to dds_arcivebase_user

    Grant select on users to dds_arcivebase_user

    Grant select on users_archives to dds_arcivebase_user

    Grant select on users_groups to dds_arcivebase_user

    Grant select on words to dds_arcivebase_user

    grant select on archive_columns_rights to dds_arcivebase_user

    Grant update (,fax, handy, id_no,id_no_last_archive,language, position, tel, zeichen )

    on users to dds_arcivebase_user

    Deny update (login,login_time_end ,login_time_start ,login_until ,pwt_change ,username)

    on users to dds_arcivebase_user

    Deny update on annotations to dds_arcivebase_user


    Select @ret = Count(*) from sys.database_principals where [name] = @rolename -- 'dds_arcivebaseadmin'

    if @ret<>0


    Grant exec on UpdateArchiveRights to dds_arcivebaseadmin

    Grant exec on Countsearch to dds_arcivebaseadmin

    Grant select, insert, update, delete on annotations to dds_arcivebaseadmin

    Grant select, insert, update, delete on archive_doc_attachment to dds_arcivebaseadmin

    Grant select, insert, update on archive_groups to dds_arcivebaseadmin

    deny delete on archive_groups to dds_arcivebaseadmin

    Grant select, insert, update, delete on archive_paths to dds_arcivebaseadmin

    Grant select, insert, update, delete on archive_right to dds_arcivebaseadmin

    Grant select on archive_right_search to dds_arcivebaseadmin

    Grant select on archives_rights_search to dds_arcivebaseadmin

    Grant select on archive_groups_search to dds_arcivebaseadmin

    Grant select on [users_archives_search] to dds_arcivebaseadmin

    Grant select, insert, update, delete on archives to dds_arcivebaseadmin

    Grant select, insert, update, delete on arcivebase_rights to dds_arcivebaseadmin

    Grant select on arcivebase_rights_search to dds_arcivebaseadmin

    Grant select on db_version to dds_arcivebaseadmin

    Grant select, insert, update, delete on doc_catalog to dds_arcivebaseadmin

    Grant select, insert on doctypes to dds_arcivebaseadmin

    deny update, delete on doctypes to dds_arcivebaseadmin

    Grant select, insert, update, delete on document_words to dds_arcivebaseadmin

    Grant exec on document_words_search to dds_arcivebaseadmin

    Grant select, insert, update, delete on group_rights to dds_arcivebaseadmin

    Grant select, insert, update, delete on groups to dds_arcivebaseadmin

    Grant select, insert, update on history to dds_arcivebaseadmin

    deny delete on history to dds_arcivebaseadmin

    Grant select, insert, update on mediumtypes to dds_arcivebaseadmin

    deny delete on mediumtypes to dds_arcivebaseadmin

    Grant select, insert, update, delete on rights to dds_arcivebaseadmin

    Grant select on user_groups_search to dds_arcivebaseadmin

    Grant select, insert, update, delete on users to dds_arcivebaseadmin

    Grant select on users_archives to dds_arcivebaseadmin

    Grant select, insert, update, delete on users_groups to dds_arcivebaseadmin

    Grant select, insert, update, delete on words to dds_arcivebaseadmin

    Grant select, insert, update on db_version to dds_arcivebaseadmin

    grant select on archive_columns_rights to dds_arcivebaseadmin

    Declare grantArchiveAccess Cursor for

    select tablename

    from archives

    declare @tablenameX varchar(255)

    declare @sqlX nvarchar(1000)

    open grantArchiveAccess

    Fetch next from grantArchiveAccess

    into @tablenameX

    WHILE (@@FETCH_STATUS <> -1)


    set @sqlX = 'Grant select, insert, update on ' + @tablenameX + ' to dds_arcivebaseadmin'

    --print @sqlX

    exec sp_executesql @sqlX

    Fetch next from grantArchiveAccess

    into @tablenameX


    close grantArchiveAccess

    deallocate grantArchiveAccess


    And the problem that's coming is:

    The Loginname has already an account under another username

  • This was removed by the editor as SPAM

  • This was removed by the editor as SPAM

  • You need to add extra logic to the CREATE LOGIN section of your script to obtain the SID of the new (or existing) login. Then, in the CREATE USER section, you need to check both that the user name you want to create doesn't already exist, and that there isn't already a user in the database with the SID (certainly shouldn't be if you just created the login).


  • Well...guys...I found my issue after a long day of searching....

    I was trying to create a user from that ain't going to work never ever...

    But i kinda like solved my problem...I just added the dbo to the users table....and that kinda like worked..

    Sorry that I'm asking all kind of stupid questions, but I'm a total noob in SQL

    Thanks for the replies, and the time taken.

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