How Can I know calling procedure origin?

  • Hi guys,

    I have a procedure which can be invoked through other procedure and I can run it outside. Is there some system function or DMV that I can discover its origin?

    Depending on situation, that procedure must work different way.

    Best regards


  • You could add an additional input to the SP and pass the name of the SP calling into it (OBJECT_NAME(@@PROCID))

  • AFAIK there's no any accurate way to do that.

    I guess IF every caller used a different login or sql user, you could tell from that, but overall I think that's a shaky idea.

    You could either:

    1) set a control byte(s) in CONTEXT_INFO to identity the caller

    2) add a param to the proc to pass in a caller id/code/name/etc. to identity the caller

    SQL DBA,SQL Server MVP(07, 08, 09) "Money can't buy you happiness." Maybe so, but it can make your unhappiness a LOT more comfortable!

  • ScottPletcher (1/24/2013)

    AFAIK there's no any accurate way to do that.

    I guess IF every caller used a different login or sql user, you could tell from that, but overall I think that's a shaky idea.

    You could either:

    1) set a control byte(s) in CONTEXT_INFO to identity the caller

    2) add a param to the proc to pass in a caller id/code/name/etc. to identity the caller

    Some info on Scott's suggestion #1:

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  • You may use @@NESTLEVEL.

    If the proc is called from outside @@NESTLEVEL will be = 1.

    If it's called from another procedure it will be 2 or more.

    Code for TallyGenerator

  • It sounds like a sketchy design because you want a proc to behave differently based in some implicit condition, namely who called it. Consider how you would unit test something like that. If you have one proc you want to act two different ways based on the caller then you should consider refactoring your proc into more than one proc and have the caller call the appropriate one based on context. If there is common processing logic abstract it and use it from both of the refactored procs.

    If that route does not work out, then I would explore the two options mentioned, either modify the input interface to add a parameter or set something in the context info.

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