identity table use case

  • SQL 2008R2

    How to insert / retrieve 3 identity values without using GO 3 ??:-)

    Also insert top(3) ... does not work either ... :w00t:

    Please see the snippet below:

    create table N (i int not null identity(1,1) constraint PK_ primary key);

    create table #tmp (i int not null primary key);


    -- run these 2 inserts 3 times

    insert dbo.N default values;

    insert #tmp values(scope_identity());

    Go 3

    select * from #tmp


    -- clean up

    drop table N

    drop table #tmp


  • vlad-548036 (1/29/2013)

    SQL 2008R2

    How to insert / retrieve 3 identity values without using GO 3 ??:-)

    Also insert top(3) ... does not work either ... :w00t:

    Please see the snippet below:

    create table N (i int not null identity(1,1) constraint PK_ primary key);

    create table #tmp (i int not null primary key);


    -- run these 2 inserts 3 times

    insert dbo.N default values;

    insert #tmp values(scope_identity());

    Go 3

    select * from #tmp


    -- clean up

    drop table N

    drop table #tmp


    Easiest way is by using OUTPUT.


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  • Sean, please post the working sql if you have it. I tried using output clause and still unable to output 3 identity numbers which is the goal here.

  • +1 to Sean's recommendation, OUTPUT is the way to go for this from SQL 2k5+.

    The earlier alternatives are very, very messy and require a lot of coding to make your own sequence components.

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  • insert dbo.N

    output inserted.$identity into #tmp ( i )

    default values

    go 3

    select *

    from #tmp

    SQL DBA,SQL Server MVP(07, 08, 09) "Money can't buy you happiness." Maybe so, but it can make your unhappiness a LOT more comfortable!

  • you are still using the GO 3 method.:cool:

    The question is how to do it without GO 3 ??

  • btw, Thank you for showing how to use output clause in combination with default values, as it is not something we run into everyday!

  • Hi

    Without the GO 3 and using either values or select

    create table N (i int not null identity(100,1) constraint PK_ primary key,test bit);

    create table #tmp (i int not null primary key);


    -- run these 2 inserts 3 times

    insert into dbo.N (test) OUTPUT INSERTED.i INTO #tmp (i) values (1),(1),(1) ;

    insert into dbo.N (test) OUTPUT INSERTED.i INTO #tmp (i) SELECT test FROM (values (1),(1),(1)) AS n(test) ;


    select * from #tmp


    -- clean up

    drop table N

    drop table #tmp


  • Thanks, that's what I initially had on my system. It is apparent now, that there is no way

    declare @howmany int=3

    insert top (@howMany)

    can be used to force insertion of more than 1 row and return keys back.

    Thank you!

  • vlad-548036 (1/30/2013)

    Thanks, that's what I initially had on my system. It is apparent now, that there is no way

    declare @howmany int=3

    insert top (@howMany)

    can be used to force insertion of more than 1 row and return keys back.

    Thank you!

    Not with "DEFAULT VALUES".

    It's easy to do outside of that.

    insert into dbo.tablename ( ...col_list... )

    select ...col_list...

    from dbo.source_table

    cross join (

    select top (@howMany) 1

    from sys.objects

    ) AS insert_repeater

    SQL DBA,SQL Server MVP(07, 08, 09) "Money can't buy you happiness." Maybe so, but it can make your unhappiness a LOT more comfortable!

  • vlad-548036 (1/30/2013)

    Thanks, that's what I initially had on my system. It is apparent now, that there is no way

    declare @howmany int=3

    insert top (@howMany)

    can be used to force insertion of more than 1 row and return keys back.

    Thank you!

    While you be would much better off adding a valued column so that table N was defined as (This would give you a much cleaner code solution.)(i INT IDENTITY (1,1) PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED,b BIT)

    However, ignoring the question of if you should, the statement above "there is no way", asks if you can. While the below solution is not elegant, it will achieve exactly what you're trying to achieve.

    USE ScratchPad /* change to YOUR junk database */


    -- prep tables


    IF NOT(object_id(N'tempdb.dbo.##tmp') IS NULL) DROP TABLE ##tmp

    IF NOT(object_id(N'N') IS NULL) DROP TABLE N




    -- process


    DECLARE @iValueCount INT


    SET @iValueCount = 3 /* Set this value to the number of "iterations" */

    SET @SQL = 'DECLARE @SQL VARCHAR(max)'+char(10)

    + 'SET @SQL = ('+char(10)

    + ' SELECT TOP '+cast(@iValueCount AS VARCHAR)+char(10)

    + ' ''INSERT INTO dbo.N OUTPUT INSERTED.i INTO ##tmp DEFAULT VALUES''+char(10)'+char(10)

    + ' FROM sys.columns c WITH(NOLOCK)'+char(10)

    + ' CROSS JOIN sys.columns'+char(10)

    + ' FOR XML PATH('''')'+char(10)

    + ')'+char(10)

    + 'EXEC(@SQL)'

    EXEC (@SQL)

    SELECT *

    FROM ##tmp


  • Eh, dynamic sql ?. Anything is possible with dynamic sql, right?:-)

  • OK this can be done without global temp tables and no dynamic sql. The real challenge is that you are trying to insert rows into a table that has only a single identity column. All you need to do is add another column and this becomes pretty simple. In the example below I simply add a column so there is a column besides the identity column to insert.

    create table N (i int not null identity(1,1) constraint PK_ primary key);

    create table #tmp (i int not null primary key);


    --Add a column so we have a real column for an insert.

    alter table N

    add TempCol char(1)


    insert dbo.N (TempCol)

    output inserted.$identity into #tmp(i)

    select top 3 '' from sys.tables

    --drop the extra column

    alter table N

    drop column TempCol

    select * from #tmp


    -- clean up

    drop table N

    drop table #tmp

    That of course leaves us to ask the question, why do you have a table that has nothing more than a single identity column?


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  • Thank you for your input.

    why do you have a table that has nothing more than a single identity column?

    the sole purpose for it is to generate unique sequential numbers (IDs) to be used elsewhere in the system.

    "Elsewhere" does not have capability to generate them, (IDs), there ... moreover in an environment where concurrent "subscribers" are possible, a single location, like an identity table, is necessary for uniqueness and sequencing.

  • vlad-548036 (1/31/2013)

    Thank you for your input.

    why do you have a table that has nothing more than a single identity column?

    the sole purpose for it is to generate unique sequential numbers (IDs) to be used elsewhere in the system.

    "Elsewhere" does not have capability to generate them, (IDs), there ... moreover in an environment where concurrent "subscribers" are possible, a single location, like an identity table, is necessary for uniqueness and sequencing.

    I had a feeling that was the case. I have never understood the notion of keeping every ID for every table unique through the system but that is a discussion for another day. Adding a single column as a char(1) or a bit will make this sort of thing a LOT easier to deal with.

    If you have a chance to upgrade to sql 2012 there is now a sequence object that is designed for doing this sort of thing.


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