loop and insert

  • create table dbo.employee


    empid int primary key,

    name varchar(200),

    city varchar(100)


    select * from dbo.employee

    insert into dbo.employee values (2,'tony','arlington'), (4,'Jason','Irving'), (5,'Alden','Denvor'),(8,'Lampart','Dallas')


    create table #newuser


    name varchar(200),

    city varchar(100)


    select * from #newuser

    insert into #newuser values ('Kathy','Dallas'), ('Sriya','Bombay'),('Manny','copercristi'),('Harry','London')


    -- I am trying to insert from #newuser temp table to dbo.employee,

    -- Requirement is find max empid from dbo.employee then, add 100 and insert data from #newuser temp to dbo.emply

    --Output of dbo.employee after inserting it should looking like following:

    empid name city

    2 tony arlington

    4 Jason Irving

    5 Alden Denvor

    8 Lampart Dallas

    108 Kathy Dallas

    109 Sriya Bombay

    110 Manny copercristi

    111 Harry London

    I try to do like below, but my logic do not works

    --declare @no_row int

    --declare @count int

    --set @count = 1

    --select @no_row = count(*) from #newuser

    --while @count <= @no_row


    --insert into dbo.employee (empid, name, city)

    --select @a, name, city from #newuser

    --set @count = @count + 1

    --set @a = @a + 1


  • Not sure if the order of the inserts matter. Else the below would work:


    SELECT @a=MAX(empid)+99 FROM dbo.employee

    INSERT INTO dbo.employee(empid,name,city)

    SELECT @a+ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY name) AS rownumber,name,city FROM #newuser


  • The logic that Praveena suggested is far better than looping for this. There is no need for looping here at all. There is no reason to be concerned by the order of the inserts. If data needs to be ordered it needs to be done when selecting it.


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  • This is what I did finally and it works,

    declare @a int

    select @a = MAX(empid)+100 from dbo.employee

    declare @no_row int

    declare @count int

    set @count = 1

    select @no_row = count(*) from #newuser

    while @count <= @no_row


    insert into dbo.employee (empid, name, city)

    select @a, t.name, t.city from (

    select ROW_NUMBER() over(order by name) 'serialno', * from #newuser) as t where t.serialno = @count

    set @count = @count + 1

    set @a = @a + 1


  • praveen , thank you so much it same whole lot of code

  • Yes, I got answer but its long and it's in look.

  • venus.pvr (10/4/2012)

    Not sure if the order of the inserts matter. Else the below would work:


    SELECT @a=MAX(empid)+99 FROM dbo.employee

    INSERT INTO dbo.employee(empid,name,city)

    SELECT @a+ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY name),name,city FROM #newuser


    I would say that this is ill-advised on a high transaction volume system, where some other process may INSERT into employee between the two SQL statements.

    Better might be (omitting appropriate error handling):



    SELECT @a=MAX(empid)+99

    FROM dbo.employee WITH(UPDLOCK)

    INSERT INTO dbo.employee(empid,name,city)

    SELECT @a+ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY name),name,city

    FROM #newuser


    Or an alternative if you don't want to use a transaction:

    ;WITH MaxID AS (

    SELECT a=MAX(empid)+99

    FROM dbo.employee


    INSERT INTO dbo.employee(empid,name,city)

    SELECT a+ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY name),name,city

    FROM #newuser


    Edit: Removed naming of the ROW_NUMBER as it's not required.

    My mantra: No loops! No CURSORs! No RBAR! Hoo-uh![/I]

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  • Thanks, it's even shorter.

  • Thanks for your help

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