Trying to avoid problems with replication access

  • Two local workgroups (no AD) in different geographic locations tied together via VPN. Need to setup replication from 'local' to 'dr' location. Yes, the ultimate answer includes 'it depends', but what does it depend on? Two types of replication are needed - one database is daily refresh, other will be hourly (every two hours?) transactional replication.

    1. Should we use Windows or SQL Server authentication?

    2. If 'dr' location's server is a copy of the virtual server at 'local', where are the landmines that will cause things to blow up (i.e., fail)?

    3. Should different login ids be used for each different replication - is this merely a question of style or are there good reasons to use different login ids?

    4. Currently, from 'local' can connect to 'dr' only by using the internal IP address. Other attempts result in either a '26' or a '40' error message, so something obvious is missing. What do I need to check?


  • You're going to need to use SQL Server authentication as you don't have a trusted relationship between the two systems. More here:

    Books Online: Replication Security Best Practices

    IP addressing is really a question for your network admins. There are a lot of possibilities here that it's not easily answered by a forum post.

    K. Brian Kelley

  • Brian,

    Point well taken. I can specify SQL Server authentication, but I still am coming up with '26' error messages, which I believe indicates that I am having problems connecting before attempting to verify a login id or password.

    Interestingly enough, the cited article refers me further to this article,, which references Windows NT 4.0 and Windows 2000, but no later operating system. Excuse me? What about the multiple versions of Windows 2003 and 2008? No mention, but I cannot imagine SQL Server 2008 running on either NT or Windows 2000. Something like x32 v x64 would get in the way, I would think.

    (and, yes I was playing on my Windows 95 box last night!)


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