DB File Overview

  • Comments posted to this topic are about the item DB File Overview

  • Great script. Thanks a million.

  • i've change it a bit , so the curent size on the db to be more acurate ... se tempdb...

    thanks 🙂


    ** DB Size&Vlf



    declare @dbcnt int,

    @DBName varchar(256),

    @FileName varchar(256),

    @FileType varchar(256),

    @FreeSpaceInMB decimal(38,2),

    @CurrentSizeMB decimal(38,2),

    @NumOfVLF int,

    @Query varchar(max),

    @vlfcnt int

    declare @Tmp table

    (DBName varchar(256),

    [FileName] varchar(256),

    FileLoc varchar(256),

    FileType varchar(256),

    SizeInMB decimal(38,2),

    FreeSpaceInMB decimal(38,2),

    GrowthRate varchar(256),

    MaxSize varchar(256),

    NumOfVLF int default 0,

    CurrentState varchar(256))

    declare @tmpdb table

    (DBName varchar(256),

    [FileName] varchar(256),

    FileType varchar(256))

    declare @vlf table

    (FileID int,

    FileSize bigint,

    StartOffset bigint,

    FSeqNo int,

    [Status] int,

    Parity int,

    CreateLSN numeric(25,0))

    declare @tmpspace table

    (CurrentSizeMB decimal(38,2), FreeSpaceInMB decimal(38,2))

    --** Get Main Data

    insert into @Tmp


    select '[' + db_name(m.database_id) + ']' as DBName,

    m.name as [FileName],m.physical_name,m.type_desc,

    cast(m.size/128.0 as decimal(38,2)) as SizeInMB,

    m.size/128.0 - cast(FILEPROPERTY(m.name,'Spaceused')as int)/128.0 as FreeSpaceInMB,

    case m.is_percent_growth

    when 1 then cast(m.growth as varchar) + '%'

    else cast(cast(m.growth/128.0 as decimal(38,2))as varchar) + ' MB'

    end as GrowthRate,


    when m.max_size = -1 or m.max_size > 2000000 then 'Unrestricted'

    else cast(cast(m.max_size/128.0 as decimal(38,2)) as varchar(256))

    end as max_size

    from sys.master_files m

    inner join sys.databases db on

    m.database_id = db.database_id

    where db.state_desc = 'ONLINE'

    --** Gather VLFs & Free Space

    insert into @tmpdb


    select distinct DBName,[FileName],FileType from @Tmp

    select @dbcnt = count(DBName)from @tmpdb

    while @dbcnt > 0


    select top 1 @DBName = DBName,@FileName = [FileName],@FileType = FileType from @tmpdb

    set @Query = 'use ' + @DBName + char(10)

    set @Query = @Query + 'select size/128.0,size/128.0 - cast(FILEPROPERTY(name,' + char(39) + 'Spaceused' + char(39) + ')'

    set @Query = @Query + 'as int)/128.0 from ' + @DBName + '.sys.database_files' + char(10)

    set @Query = @Query + 'where name = ' + char(39) + @FileName + char(39)

    insert into @tmpspace exec(@query)

    select @CurrentSizeMB = CurrentSizeMB,@FreeSpaceInMB = FreeSpaceInMB from @tmpspace

    update t set t.FreeSpaceInMB = @FreeSpaceInMB, t.SizeInMB=@CurrentSizeMB from @Tmp t

    where DBName = @DBName and [FileName] = @FileName

    IF @FileType = 'LOG'


    set @query = 'use ' + @DBName + char(10)

    set @query = @query + 'DBCC loginfo'

    insert into @vlf


    select @vlfcnt = count(*)

    from @vlf

    update t

    set t.NumOfVLF = @vlfcnt

    from @Tmp t

    where DBName = @DBName and

    [FileName] = @FileName

    delete from @vlf


    delete t from @tmpdb t where DBName = @DBName and [FileName] = @FileName

    delete from @tmpspace

    select @dbcnt = count(DBName)from @tmpdb


    select replace(replace(DBName,'[',''),']','')as DBName,[FileName],FileType,SizeInMB as SizeMB,

    cast(isnull(FreeSpaceInMB,0) as varchar(256)) as FreeSpMB,

    cast(100-round(100*FreeSpaceInMB/SizeInMB,2) as decimal(6,2)) as '%full' ,NumOfVLF as VlfNr, GrowthRate,MaxSize,FileLoc

    from @Tmp order by FileType desc ,SizeInMB desc


  • Even better. Thanks.

  • i get an error with this script:

    Column name or number of supplied values does not match table definition.

  • I do not get the error. Could you re-post the exact syntax you are trying to run? Also, could you send version of the db server?

  • I use the exact same script as you have posted. I tried to find the exact line that cause the error. It's this one:

    delete t from @tmpdb t where DBName = @DBName and [FileName] = @FileName

    if i replace the last condition with an empty string, it work (it will loop forever but the error is gone)

    delete t from @tmpdb t where DBName = @DBName and [FileName] = ''

    it seems that the @FileName variable is the problem but i can't find why

    I'm using SQL Server 2012

  • I doubt that is the problem. Are you referring to my original script or the re-write posted in forum? The re-write posted in the forum is different than my script. If you notice that the table variable @tmpspace has different columns than the one in my original script. I'm willing to guess that would be the cause of the problem. Run the original script below and let me know if this works.



    ** declare table & variables


    declare @dbcnt int,

    @DBName varchar(256),

    @FileName varchar(256),

    @FileType varchar(256),

    @FreeSpaceInMB decimal(38,2),

    @NumOfVLF int,

    @Query varchar(max),

    @vlfcnt int

    declare @Tmp table

    (DBName varchar(256),

    [FileName] varchar(256),

    FileLoc varchar(256),

    FileType varchar(256),

    SizeInMB decimal(38,2),

    FreeSpaceInMB decimal(38,2),

    GrowthRate varchar(256),

    MaxSize varchar(256),

    NumOfVLF int default 0,

    CurrentState varchar(256))

    declare @tmpdb table

    (DBName varchar(256),

    [FileName] varchar(256),

    FileType varchar(256))

    declare @vlf table

    (FileID int,

    FileSize bigint,

    StartOffset bigint,

    FSeqNo int,

    [Status] int,

    Parity int,

    CreateLSN numeric(25,0))

    declare @tmpspace table

    (FreeSpaceInMB decimal(38,2))


    ** Get Main Data


    insert into @Tmp


    select '[' + db_name(m.database_id) + ']' as DBName,

    m.name as [FileName],m.physical_name,m.type_desc,

    cast(m.size/128.0 as decimal(38,2)) as SizeInMB,

    m.size/128.0 - cast(FILEPROPERTY(m.name,'Spaceused')as int)/128.0 as FreeSpaceInMB,

    case m.is_percent_growth

    when 1 then cast(m.growth as varchar) + '%'

    else cast(cast(m.growth/128.0 as decimal(38,2))as varchar) + ' MB'

    end as GrowthRate,


    when m.max_size = -1 then 'Unrestricted'

    else cast(cast(m.max_size/128.0 as decimal(38,2)) as varchar(256))

    end as max_size

    from sys.master_files m

    inner join sys.databases db on

    m.database_id = db.database_id

    where db.state_desc = 'ONLINE'


    ** Gather VLFs & Free Space


    insert into @tmpdb


    select distinct DBName,[FileName],FileType

    from @Tmp

    select @dbcnt = count(DBName)

    from @tmpdb

    while @dbcnt > 0


    select top 1 @DBName = DBName,@FileName = [FileName],@FileType = FileType

    from @tmpdb

    set @Query = 'use ' + @DBName + char(10)

    set @Query = @Query + 'select size/128.0 - cast(FILEPROPERTY(name,' + char(39) + 'Spaceused' + char(39) + ')'

    set @Query = @Query + 'as int)/128.0 from ' + @DBName + '.sys.database_files' + char(10)

    set @Query = @Query + 'where name = ' + char(39) + @FileName + char(39)

    insert into @tmpspace


    select @FreeSpaceInMB = FreeSpaceInMB

    from @tmpspace

    update t

    set t.FreeSpaceInMB = @FreeSpaceInMB

    from @Tmp t

    where DBName = @DBName and

    [FileName] = @FileName

    IF @FileType = 'LOG'


    set @query = 'use ' + @DBName + char(10)

    set @query = @query + 'DBCC loginfo'

    insert into @vlf


    select @vlfcnt = count(*)

    from @vlf

    update t

    set t.NumOfVLF = @vlfcnt

    from @Tmp t

    where DBName = @DBName and

    [FileName] = @FileName

    delete from @vlf


    delete t

    from @tmpdb t

    where DBName = @DBName and

    [FileName] = @FileName


    from @tmpspace

    select @dbcnt = count(DBName)

    from @tmpdb



    ** Final Results


    select replace(replace(DBName,'[',''),']','')as DBName,[FileName],FileLoc,FileType,cast(SizeInMB as varchar(256))as SizeInMB,

    cast(isnull(FreeSpaceInMB,0) as varchar(256)) as FreeSpaceInMB,GrowthRate,MaxSize,NumOfVLF

    from @Tmp

  • the one i used is the one on this forum. The last one you've just posted have the error too. The same line. And if i remove the @FileName condition, the script run.

    very weird!

  • i believe you hve your data file on the c: drive in 'program files' or other dir with spaces in it... or the name itself... you must enclose the filname in the brackets tooo as for dbnamw...

  • ok... i have configured the debugger and found something new. The real line that is causing the error is this one on the second pass in the 'while loop':

    insert into @vlf


    in the @query variable, i have this:

    use [Corporatif]

    DBCC loginfo

    and the result of this query is this:

    RecoveryUnitId FileId FileSize StartOffset FSeqNo Status Parity CreateLSN

    0 2 253952 8192 50 0 64 0

    0 2 253952 262144 51 0 64 0

    0 2 253952 516096 52 0 128 0

    0 2 278528 770048 53 2 128 0

    0 2 262144 1048576 54 2 128 46000000031000436

    0 2 262144 1310720 0 0 64 47000000001600495

    0 2 262144 1572864 49 0 64 48000000001600187

    0 2 262144 1835008 0 0 0 48000000044300011

  • double post.. sorry!

  • ok... i now see the problem. The DBCC loginfo is returning one addition column that the script doesnt know about. It's the column RecoveryUnitId. This is why i have the error.

    The correction is just to add the RecoveryUnitId field to the @vlf table:

    declare @vlf table

    (RecoveryUnitId int,

    FileID int,

    FileSize bigint,

    StartOffset bigint,

    FSeqNo int,

    [Status] int,

    Parity int,

    CreateLSN numeric(25,0))

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