Derived Column with value in previous row + current

  • I have a data set that has ID and Total fields. Now I need a result set that has a third column, "Adjusted Total". For the first row, "Adjusted Total" will have the same value as Total column. But from the next row onwards, it should have the total of previous "Adjusted Total" + current "Total".

    Below are screenshots of a sample base data set as well as the desired result set.

    Base Data

    Desired Result set

    Here is the SQL to setup base data into a table variable.

    DECLARE @BaseData TABLE (ID INT, Total INT)

    INSERT @BaseData (ID, Total)


    (1, 215),

    (2, 86),

    (3, 43),

    (4, 101),

    (5, 92),

    (6, 64),

    (7, 117),

    (8, 59),

    (9, 33),

    (10, 72),

    (11, 94),

    (12, 108),

    (13, 93),

    (14, 88),

    (15, 67)

    SELECT * FROM @BaseData

    Any help is appreciated.


  • Something like this?

    DECLARE @BaseData TABLE (ID INT, Total INT)

    INSERT @BaseData (ID, Total)


    (1, 215),

    (2, 86),

    (3, 43),

    (4, 101),

    (5, 92),

    (6, 64),

    (7, 117),

    (8, 59),

    (9, 33),

    (10, 72),

    (11, 94),

    (12, 108),

    (13, 93),

    (14, 88),

    (15, 67)




    bd1.Total + isnull(ds.Total,0) as AdjustedTotal


    @BaseData bd1

    outer apply (select bd2.Total from @BaseData bd2 where bd2.ID = bd1.ID - 1) ds(Total);

    It could also be done using a self join.

  • Lynn Pettis,

    Thanks, but the "AdjustedTotal" should be a sum of previous "AdjustedTotal" and current total. Your solution is showing sum of Previous "Total" and current "Total".

    I will try to play around with this and see if I can make changes to get what I want. Thanks, again.


  • RexHelios (4/30/2013)

    Lynn Pettis,

    Thanks, but the "AdjustedTotal" should be a sum of previous "AdjustedTotal" and current total. Your solution is showing sum of Previous "Total" and current "Total".

    I will try to play around with this and see if I can make changes to get what I want. Thanks, again.


    I did misread what you wanted. You want a running total. Start here and read the discussion that goes with the article:

  • Thanks, Lynn Pettis. I will refer to the article.

    - Rex

  • RexHelios (4/30/2013)

    Thanks, Lynn Pettis. I will refer to the article.

    - Rex

    And I can't stress enough, be sure to read the discussion as well. There is much to learned from it as well once you have worked your way through the article.

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