Memory management in sqlserver.

  • Team,

    I am looking for the TSQL to get the below details.

    1)Total memory allocated in the windows machine where a sqlserver instances are installed.

    2)Total memory allocated to each sqlserver instances in the machine.

    3)Current memory used by the perticular instance.

    4)History of memory usage by the instance.

    I checked many of the sites and couldn't get the accurate value for the above.Could anyone help me in getting the above values ,so i can really confirm and implement the memory setting accuratly.

    Thanks in advance.


  • Mithra (1/2/2013)


    I am looking for the TSQL to get the below details.

    1)Total memory allocated in the windows machine where a sqlserver instances are installed.

    2)Total memory allocated to each sqlserver instances in the machine.

    3)Current memory used by the perticular instance.

    4)History of memory usage by the instance.

    I checked many of the sites and couldn't get the accurate value for the above.Could anyone help me in getting the above values ,so i can really confirm and implement the memory setting accuratly.

    Thanks in advance.


    1) Total memory allocated in the windows machine where a sqlserver instances are installed.

    -- Check for teh system info.

    2) Total memory allocated to each sqlserver instances in the machine.

    -- Check server properties.

    3) Current memory used by the perticular instance.

    -- Memory is dynamically allocated and withdrwan based on the activity and many other factors.

    you need to traceout for a whole day memory usage and check for max used on a day.

    4)History of memory usage by the instance.

    -- If you are using sql 2005 or 2008 , you could check on instance resports--> memory consumption report


  • Thanks for the reply.

    I am just having sqlserver instance level access and i dont have access to the node.Hence is there anyway to get the details with TSQL itself:

    1) Total memory allocated in the windows machine where a sqlserver instances are installed.

    -- Check for teh system info.---Any TSQL to get the value

    2) Total memory allocated to each sqlserver instances in the machine.

    -- Check server properties.---Do you mean to say max and min memory?

    Appriciate your help.


  • You can use the sys.dm_os_memory_clerks dynamic management view (DMV) to get detailed information about memory allocation by the server components in SQL Server 2005 and 2008. Some of the DMVs provide similar data as the DBCC MEMORYSTATUS command, but their output is much more programmer friendly.

    You can also use the following DMVs for memory troubleshooting both in SQL Server 2005 and 2008:







    There are several new DMVs in SQL Server 2008 which make us easier to gather memory diagnosis information. Below is a summary of these new DMVs for memory troubleshooting:

    •sys.dm_os_memory_brokers provides information about memory allocations using the internal SQL Server memory manager. The information provided can be useful in determining very large memory consumers.

    •sys.dm_os_memory_nodes and sys.dm_os_memory_node_access_stats provide summary information of the memory allocations per memory node and node access statistics grouped by the type of the page. This information can be used instead of running DBCC MEMORYSTATUS to quickly obtain summary memory usage. (sys.dm_os_memory_node_access_stats is populated under dynamic trace flag 842 due to its performance impact.)

    •sys.dm_os_nodes provides information about CPU node configuration for SQL Server. This DMV also reflects software NUMA (soft-NUMA) configuration.

    •sys.dm_os_sys_memory returns the system memory information. The ‘Available physical memory is low’ value in the system_memory_state_desc column is a sign of external memory pressure that requires further analysis.

  • see this

    --Bpool stats

    select (bpool_committed * 8192)/ (1024*1024) as bpool_committed_mb

    , (cast(bpool_commit_target as bigint) * 8192) / (1024*1024) as bpool_target_mb,

    (bpool_visible * 8192) / (1024*1024) as bpool_visible_mb

    from sys.dm_os_sys_info


    -- Get me physical RAM installed

    -- and size of user VAS

    select physical_memory_in_bytes/(1024*1024) as phys_mem_mb,

    virtual_memory_in_bytes/(1024*1024) as user_virtual_address_space_size

    from sys.dm_os_sys_info



    -- Get me other information about system memory


    select total_physical_memory_kb/(1024) as phys_mem_mb,

    available_physical_memory_kb/(1024) as avail_phys_mem_mb,

    system_cache_kb/(1024) as sys_cache_mb,

    (kernel_paged_pool_kb+kernel_nonpaged_pool_kb)/(1024) as kernel_pool_mb,

    total_page_file_kb/(1024) as total_virtual_memory_mb,

    available_page_file_kb/(1024) as available_virtual_memory_mb,


    from sys.dm_os_sys_memory


    -- Get me memory information about SQLSERVR.EXE process

    -- GetMemoryProcessInfo() API used for this

    -- physical_memory_in_use_kb

    select physical_memory_in_use_kb/(1024) as sql_physmem_inuse_mb,

    locked_page_allocations_kb/(1024) as awe_memory_mb,

    total_virtual_address_space_kb/(1024) as max_vas_mb,

    virtual_address_space_committed_kb/(1024) as sql_committed_mb,

    memory_utilization_percentage as working_set_percentage,

    virtual_address_space_available_kb/(1024) as vas_available_mb,

    process_physical_memory_low as is_there_external_pressure,

    process_virtual_memory_low as is_there_vas_pressure

    from sys.dm_os_process_memory


    select * from sys.dm_os_ring_buffers

    where ring_buffer_type like 'RING_BUFFER_RESOURCE%'


    select memory_node_id as node, virtual_address_space_reserved_kb/(1024) as VAS_reserved_mb,

    virtual_address_space_committed_kb/(1024) as virtual_committed_mb,

    locked_page_allocations_kb/(1024) as locked_pages_mb,

    single_pages_kb/(1024) as single_pages_mb,

    multi_pages_kb/(1024) as multi_pages_mb,

    shared_memory_committed_kb/(1024) as shared_memory_mb

    from sys.dm_os_memory_nodes

    where memory_node_id != 64


    with vasummary(Size,reserved,free) as ( select size = vadump.size,

    reserved = SUM(case(convert(int, vadump.base) ^ 0) when 0 then 0 else 1 end),

    free = SUM(case(convert(int, vadump.base) ^ 0x0) when 0 then 1 else 0 end)


    (select CONVERT(varbinary, sum(region_size_in_bytes)) as size,

    region_allocation_base_address as base

    from sys.dm_os_virtual_address_dump

    where region_allocation_base_address <> 0x0

    group by region_allocation_base_address


    select CONVERT(varbinary, region_size_in_bytes),


    from sys.dm_os_virtual_address_dump

    where region_allocation_base_address = 0x0)


    as vadump

    group by size)

    select * from vasummary


    -- Get me all clerks that take some memory


    select * from sys.dm_os_memory_clerks

    where (single_pages_kb > 0) or (multi_pages_kb > 0)

    or (virtual_memory_committed_kb > 0)


    -- Get me stolen pages


    select (SUM(single_pages_kb)*1024)/8192 as total_stolen_pages

    from sys.dm_os_memory_clerks


    -- Breakdown clerks with stolen pages

    select type, name, sum((single_pages_kb*1024)/8192) as stolen_pages

    from sys.dm_os_memory_clerks

    where single_pages_kb > 0

    group by type, name

    order by stolen_pages desc


    -- Get me the total amount of memory consumed by multi_page consumers


    select SUM(multi_pages_kb)/1024 as total_multi_pages_mb

    from sys.dm_os_memory_clerks


    -- What about multi_page consumers


    select type, name, sum(multi_pages_kb)/1024 as multi_pages_mb

    from sys.dm_os_memory_clerks

    where multi_pages_kb > 0

    group by type, name

    order by multi_pages_mb desc


    -- Let's now get the total consumption of virtual allocator


    select SUM(virtual_memory_committed_kb)/1024 as total_virtual_mem_mb

    from sys.dm_os_memory_clerks


    -- Breakdown the clerks who use virtual allocator


    select type, name, sum(virtual_memory_committed_kb)/1024 as virtual_mem_mb

    from sys.dm_os_memory_clerks

    where virtual_memory_committed_kb > 0

    group by type, name

    order by virtual_mem_mb desc


    -- Is anyone using AWE allocator?


    select SUM(awe_allocated_kb)/1024 as total_awe_allocated_mb

    from sys.dm_os_memory_clerks


    -- Who is the AWE user?


    select type, name, sum(awe_allocated_kb)/1024 as awe_allocated_mb

    from sys.dm_os_memory_clerks

    where awe_allocated_kb > 0

    group by type, name

    order by awe_allocated_mb desc


    -- What is the total memory used by the clerks?


    select (sum(multi_pages_kb)+



    from sys.dm_os_memory_clerks



    -- Does this sync up with what the node thinks?


    select SUM(virtual_address_space_committed_kb)/1024 as total_node_virtual_memory_mb,

    SUM(locked_page_allocations_kb)/1024 as total_awe_memory_mb,

    SUM(single_pages_kb)/1024 as total_single_pages_mb,

    SUM(multi_pages_kb)/1024 as total_multi_pages_mb

    from sys.dm_os_memory_nodes

    where memory_node_id != 64



    -- Total memory used by SQL Server through SQLOS memory nodes

    -- including DAC node

    -- What takes up the rest of the space?

    select (SUM(virtual_address_space_committed_kb)+


    SUM(multi_pages_kb))/1024 as total_sql_memusage_mb

    from sys.dm_os_memory_nodes



    -- Who are the biggest cache stores?

    select name, type, (SUM(single_pages_kb)+SUM(multi_pages_kb))/1024

    as cache_size_mb

    from sys.dm_os_memory_cache_counters

    where type like 'CACHESTORE%'

    group by name, type

    order by cache_size_mb desc



    -- Who are the biggest user stores?

    select name, type, (SUM(single_pages_kb)+SUM(multi_pages_kb))/1024

    as cache_size_mb

    from sys.dm_os_memory_cache_counters

    where type like 'USERSTORE%'

    group by name, type

    order by cache_size_mb desc



    -- Who are the biggest object stores?

    select name, type, (SUM(single_pages_kb)+SUM(multi_pages_kb))/1024

    as cache_size_mb

    from sys.dm_os_memory_clerks

    where type like 'OBJECTSTORE%'

    group by name, type

    order by cache_size_mb desc


    select mc.type, mo.type from sys.dm_os_memory_clerks mc

    join sys.dm_os_memory_objects mo

    on mc.page_allocator_address = mo.page_allocator_address

    group by mc.type, mo.type

    order by mc.type, mo.type


    --memory per instance

    SELECT CASE counter_name

    WHEN 'Target Server Memory (KB)' THEN 'MemoryAssignedToSQLServer'

    WHEN 'Total Server Memory (KB)' THEN 'MemoryUsedBySQLServer'

    END AS Property,

    (cntr_value/1024) AS Value_MB

    FROM sys.dm_os_performance_counters

    WHERE counter_name IN ('Target Server Memory (KB)','Total Server Memory (KB)')

    I work only to learn Sql Server...though my company pays me for getting their stuff done;-)

  • Thank you very much Guys.This really helped me.


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