using row_number() over partition by to get datediff by row

  • I have a list of events that occur for a patient. I need to count the number of events that occur by patient by type but ONLY if the timestamp on the events are greater than 60 min. apart. (i.e. I need to ignore duplicates that occur within one hour of each other.) Initially, I approached it by getting the MIN and comparing each row to it to see if it was more than 60 minutes apart but I quickly realized that was dumb. I need to compare each consecutive row against the previous row to see if it is within 60 minutes. I am able to get the rowId but I'm not quite sure how to proceed. Should I create a temp table and fill it as I go? Here's the code to create a sample table and fill it will data.

    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[la_test_endcall](

    [pmd_patient_id] [bigint] NOT NULL,

    [endcallcd] [int] NOT NULL,

    [eventid] [bigint] NOT NULL,

    [createdat] [datetime] NOT NULL

    ) ON [PRIMARY]

    INSERT [dbo].[la_test_endcall] ([pmd_patient_id], [endcallcd], [eventid], [createdat]) VALUES (100128137, 1001, 9999995, '2013-04-16 12:02:14.000')

    INSERT [dbo].[la_test_endcall] ([pmd_patient_id], [endcallcd], [eventid], [createdat]) VALUES (100128137, 1001, 9999996, '2013-04-16 17:02:14.000')

    INSERT [dbo].[la_test_endcall] ([pmd_patient_id], [endcallcd], [eventid], [createdat]) VALUES (100128137, 1001, 9999997, '2013-04-16 17:12:14.000')

    INSERT [dbo].[la_test_endcall] ([pmd_patient_id], [endcallcd], [eventid], [createdat]) VALUES (100128138, 1001, 5093634, '2013-04-16 17:17:14.000')

    INSERT [dbo].[la_test_endcall] ([pmd_patient_id], [endcallcd], [eventid], [createdat]) VALUES (100128138, 1001, 5099268, '2013-04-26 13:48:53.000')

    INSERT [dbo].[la_test_endcall] ([pmd_patient_id], [endcallcd], [eventid], [createdat]) VALUES (100128138, 1002, 5121175, '2013-05-16 16:43:51.000')

    INSERT [dbo].[la_test_endcall] ([pmd_patient_id], [endcallcd], [eventid], [createdat]) VALUES (100128138, 1002, 5133281,'2013-05-23 17:53:46.000')

    Here's how I'm getting a RowID by patient by type:

    SELECT pmd_patient_Id,




    ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY PMD_Patient_ID, endcallcd ORDER BY CreatedAt) AS RowId

    FROM la_test_endcall

    ORDER BY pmd_patient_id,endcallcd, CreatedAt

  • I think this will meet your requirements based on the information you provided.

    WITH tests

    AS (






    ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY PMD_Patient_ID, endcallcd ORDER BY CreatedAt) AS RowId





    AS (





    DATEDIFF(MINUTE, T1.createdAt, T2.createdAt) AS timeDIff


    tests AS T1

    LEFT JOIN tests AS T2

    ON T1.pmd_patient_Id = T2.pmd_patient_Id AND

    T1.EndCallCd = T2.EndCallCd AND

    T1.RowId = T2.RowId - 1









    timeDiff.timeDIff > 60




    Jack Corbett
    Consultant - Straight Path Solutions
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  • It's easy to do in SQL2012, harder in 2008.

    You didn't specify what determines a patient type, so I took that it is a "endcallcd", as you did partioned by this.

    The following query should calculate the count of events, ignoring ones spaced less than 60 min apart:

    ;WITH calc_time_diff



    SELECT pmd_patient_Id,



    FROM la_test_endcall as la

    OUTER APPLY (SELECT ISNULL(DATEDIFF(SECOND,MAX(la1.CreatedAt),la.CreatedAt),999999999) PrevCreatedAtDiffSec

    FROM la_test_endcall la1

    WHERE la1.pmd_patient_id = la.pmd_patient_id

    AND la1.endcallcd = la.endcallcd

    AND la1.CreatedAt < la.CreatedAt) CP


    SELECT pmd_patient_Id, EndCallCd, COUNT(*) YourCount

    FROM calc_time_diff

    WHERE PrevCreatedAtDiffSec > 3600 -- 60 min

    GROUP BY pmd_patient_Id, EndCallCd

    ORDER BY pmd_patient_id,endcallcd

    The above may not be the best performing query, but you can try if it acceptable in your case.

    Also, you need to be very careful in your definition of "duplicates". The above query will count record only if the previous one created 60 min before. Which mean if you have records created like that:

    1. 18:00

    2. 18:50

    3. 19:10

    it will count only 1 as #2 and #1 are 50 min diff and #3 and #2 is 20 min. In order to count in #3 you need to disregard record #2 completely.

    The first way to do so coming into my mind would be "quirky update" method

    To represent the above just add the following two records into your sample:

    INSERT [dbo].[la_test_endcall] ([pmd_patient_id], [endcallcd], [eventid], [createdat]) VALUES (100128138, 1002, 5133281,'2013-05-23 18:43:46.000')

    INSERT [dbo].[la_test_endcall] ([pmd_patient_id], [endcallcd], [eventid], [createdat]) VALUES (100128138, 1002, 5133281,'2013-05-23 19:03:46.000')

    You will see that count for the last patient didn't changed even that 4-th record timing is more than hour aftre the 2-nd one...

    Surely it's possible by other ways, but I want to go home now 🙂

    "The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing"
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    (So many miracle inventions provided by MS to us...)

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  • SSCrazy, that is very close to what I need but the problem you brought up is definitely something I have to solve. I read through the "quirky update" article, but I confess it is far more advanced than I am. I'm going to keep trying. I need to compare 1 to 2, 1 to 3, 1 to 4, etc... then 2 to 3, 2 to 4, etc... I'm completely bamboozled.

  • What is the result set you are looking for based n the sample data provided.

  • Maybe this (be sure to run it in an empty database first as I drop the table you created):

    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[la_test_endcall](

    [pmd_patient_id] [bigint] NOT NULL,

    [endcallcd] [int] NOT NULL,

    [eventid] [bigint] NOT NULL,

    [createdat] [datetime] NOT NULL

    ) ON [PRIMARY];

    INSERT [dbo].[la_test_endcall] ([pmd_patient_id], [endcallcd], [eventid], [createdat]) VALUES (100128137, 1001, 9999995, '2013-04-16 12:02:14.000')

    INSERT [dbo].[la_test_endcall] ([pmd_patient_id], [endcallcd], [eventid], [createdat]) VALUES (100128137, 1001, 9999996, '2013-04-16 17:02:14.000');

    INSERT [dbo].[la_test_endcall] ([pmd_patient_id], [endcallcd], [eventid], [createdat]) VALUES (100128137, 1001, 9999997, '2013-04-16 17:12:14.000');

    INSERT [dbo].[la_test_endcall] ([pmd_patient_id], [endcallcd], [eventid], [createdat]) VALUES (100128138, 1001, 5093634, '2013-04-16 17:17:14.000');

    INSERT [dbo].[la_test_endcall] ([pmd_patient_id], [endcallcd], [eventid], [createdat]) VALUES (100128138, 1001, 5099268, '2013-04-26 13:48:53.000');

    INSERT [dbo].[la_test_endcall] ([pmd_patient_id], [endcallcd], [eventid], [createdat]) VALUES (100128138, 1002, 5121175, '2013-05-16 16:43:51.000');

    INSERT [dbo].[la_test_endcall] ([pmd_patient_id], [endcallcd], [eventid], [createdat]) VALUES (100128138, 1002, 5133281, '2013-05-23 17:53:46.000');


    with overlaps as (

    SELECT DISTINCT o.pmd_patient_id, o.endcallcd, o.eventid, o.createdat

    FROM dbo.la_test_endcall AS o


    SELECT x.pmd_patient_id, x.endcallcd, x.eventid, x.createdat

    FROM dbo.la_test_endcall AS x

    WHERE x.pmd_patient_id = o.pmd_patient_id and x.endcallcd = o.endcallcd

    AND x.eventid <> o.eventid

    AND x.createdat <= dateadd(minute, 60, o.createdat)

    and dateadd(minute, 60, x.createdat) >= o.createdat

    ) AS f

    ), baseoverlaps as (






    rn = row_number() over (partition by pmd_patient_id order by createdat asc)





    pmd_patient_id, endcallcd, count(*) as EventCount

    from (


    pmd_patient_id, endcallcd, eventid, createdat





    pmd_patient_id, endcallcd, eventid, createdat




    rn > 1) dt

    group by

    pmd_patient_id, endcallcd

    order by

    pmd_patient_id, endcallcd



    drop table dbo.la_test_endcall;


  • Hi, can you let us know your expected output as Lynn requested - is it this:


    ¦[highlight="#808080"] pmd_patient_id [/highlight]¦[highlight="#808080"] endcallcd [/highlight]¦[highlight="#808080"] eventid [/highlight]¦[highlight="#808080"] createdat [/highlight]¦


    ¦ 100128138 ¦ 1001 ¦ 5093634 ¦ Apr 16 2013 5:17PM ¦

    [highlight="#E0E0E0"]¦ 100128138 ¦ 1001 ¦ 5099268 ¦ Apr 26 2013 1:48PM ¦[/highlight]

    ¦ 100128138 ¦ 1002 ¦ 5121175 ¦ May 16 2013 4:43PM ¦

    [highlight="#E0E0E0"]¦ 100128138 ¦ 1002 ¦ 5133281 ¦ May 23 2013 5:53PM ¦[/highlight]

    ¦ 100128137 ¦ 1001 ¦ 9999995 ¦ Apr 16 2013 12:02PM ¦

    [highlight="#E0E0E0"]¦ 100128137 ¦ 1001 ¦ 9999996 ¦ Apr 16 2013 5:02PM ¦[/highlight]



    select geometry::STGeomFromWKB(0x0106000000020000000103000000010000000B0000001000000000000840000000000000003DD8CCCCCCCCCC0840000000000000003DD8CCCCCCCCCC08408014AE47E17AFC3F040000000000104000CDCCCCCCCCEC3F9C999999999913408014AE47E17AFC3F9C99999999991340000000000000003D0000000000001440000000000000003D000000000000144000000000000000400400000000001040000000000000F03F100000000000084000000000000000401000000000000840000000000000003D0103000000010000000B000000000000000000143D000000000000003D009E99999999B93F000000000000003D009E99999999B93F8014AE47E17AFC3F400000000000F03F00CDCCCCCCCCEC3FA06666666666FE3F8014AE47E17AFC3FA06666666666FE3F000000000000003D1800000000000040000000000000003D18000000000000400000000000000040400000000000F03F000000000000F03F000000000000143D0000000000000040000000000000143D000000000000003D, 0);

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  • All,

    Thank you again for your responses. Lynn's code is very close, but Eugene had 2 additional insert rows to demonstrate the issue I'm worried about. Below is the full create/insert including the two rows:

    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[la_test_endcall](

    [pmd_patient_id] [bigint] NOT NULL,

    [endcallcd] [int] NOT NULL,

    [eventid] [bigint] NOT NULL,

    [createdat] [datetime] NOT NULL

    ) ON [PRIMARY];

    INSERT [dbo].[la_test_endcall] ([pmd_patient_id], [endcallcd], [eventid], [createdat]) VALUES (100128137, 1001, 9999995, '2013-04-16 12:02:14.000')

    INSERT [dbo].[la_test_endcall] ([pmd_patient_id], [endcallcd], [eventid], [createdat]) VALUES (100128137, 1001, 9999996, '2013-04-16 17:02:14.000');

    INSERT [dbo].[la_test_endcall] ([pmd_patient_id], [endcallcd], [eventid], [createdat]) VALUES (100128137, 1001, 9999997, '2013-04-16 17:12:14.000');

    INSERT [dbo].[la_test_endcall] ([pmd_patient_id], [endcallcd], [eventid], [createdat]) VALUES (100128138, 1001, 5093634, '2013-04-16 17:17:14.000');

    INSERT [dbo].[la_test_endcall] ([pmd_patient_id], [endcallcd], [eventid], [createdat]) VALUES (100128138, 1001, 5099268, '2013-04-26 13:48:53.000');

    INSERT [dbo].[la_test_endcall] ([pmd_patient_id], [endcallcd], [eventid], [createdat]) VALUES (100128138, 1002, 5121175, '2013-05-16 16:43:51.000');

    INSERT [dbo].[la_test_endcall] ([pmd_patient_id], [endcallcd], [eventid], [createdat]) VALUES (100128138, 1002, 5133281, '2013-05-23 17:53:46.000');

    INSERT [dbo].[la_test_endcall] ([pmd_patient_id], [endcallcd], [eventid], [createdat]) VALUES (100128138, 1002, 5133281,'2013-05-23 18:43:46.000');

    INSERT [dbo].[la_test_endcall] ([pmd_patient_id], [endcallcd], [eventid], [createdat]) VALUES (100128138, 1002, 5133281,'2013-05-23 19:03:46.000');


    Lynn's code returns

    pmd_patient_id endcallcd EventCount

    100128137 1001 2

    100128138 1001 2

    100128138 1002 4

    Eugene's code returns

    pmd_patient_id endcallcd NumAttempts

    100128137 1001 2

    100128138 1001 2

    100128138 1002 2

    I really think it should be

    pmd_patient_id endcallcd NumAttempts

    100128137 1001 2

    100128138 1001 2

    100128138 1002 3

    Here's the problem:

    pmd_patient_id endcallcd eventid createdat

    100128138 1002 5121175 2013-05-16 16:43:51.000

    100128138 1002 5133281 2013-05-23 17:53:46.000 --easy one; over a wk apart

    100128138 1002 5133281 2013-05-23 18:43:46.000--only 50 min apart; shouldn't count

    100128138 1002 5133281 2013-05-23 19:03:46.000--70 min from the 17:53:46 entry, so it should count!

    I think the logic should be to count the ones that are >60 min from "the last one that counted."

    Does that make sense? Am I thinking about it wrong? I could use advice on my logic, as well.

    Thanks again!

  • Rather than just returning a count and not knowing which rows are being selected, I will return the full details of each selected row and a count. Once you are happy with the results, you can remove the detailed select.

    declare @bb bit;

    select pmd_patient_id,endcallcd,eventid,createdat,0 as selected

    into #results

    from la_test_endcall;

    while exists(Select 1 from #results where selected=0)


    select @bb=1;

    while @@rowcount>0

    with data as


    select *

    , datediff(minute,min(createdat) over(partition by pmd_patient_id, endcallcd),createdat) as elapsed

    , sum(1) over(partition by pmd_patient_id, endcallcd) as cnt

    from #results

    where selected=0


    update data

    set selected = -1

    where (elapsed>0 and elapsed<=60) ;

    ;with data as


    select *

    , datediff(minute,min(createdat) over(partition by pmd_patient_id, endcallcd),createdat) as elapsed

    , sum(1) over(partition by pmd_patient_id, endcallcd) as cnt

    from #results

    where selected=0


    update data

    set selected=1

    where elapsed=0


    select pmd_patient_id,endcallcd,eventid,createdat

    from #results

    where selected=1

    order by pmd_patient_id,endcallcd,eventid;

    select pmd_patient_id,endcallcd,count(*) as [count]

    from #results

    where selected=1

    group by pmd_patient_id,endcallcd

    order by pmd_patient_id,endcallcd;

    drop table #results;


    select geometry::STGeomFromWKB(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  • MM-- I think that's it! I'm staring at your code and not understanding exactly why it's working, but that is definitely the result set I was hoping for. I'm going to keep studying it and maybe it will start to make sense to me. 😀

    Thank you all tremendously for your help!


  • lduvall (5/30/2013)

    I think the logic should be to count the ones that are >60 min from "the last one that counted."

    Does that make sense? Am I thinking about it wrong? I could use advice on my logic, as well.

    Thanks again!

    I'm not sure what the logic should be because I don't have the business requirements. The issue I have is with counting from the "last one that counted" is that means the events aren't occurring at a greater than 60 minute interval, they are occurring more frequently but continuing for over 60 minutes. Do you see the difference?

    Also, is there a maximum time interval that should be ignored. What if the second occurrence of an event for a patient is 2 years after the first occurrence, would this still count? In the code we are using that would still count.

    Jack Corbett
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  • What is is doing is this:

    1. Copy the data to a temp table (#results) and add a column called "selected" - preset to 0.

    2. Loop while we have rows where selected=0

    3. Loop while @@rowcount>0 (primed by the SELECT @bb=1 line, but after that @@rowcount indicates that the UPDATE has affected some rows)

    4. Find all unselected rows (selected=0) and calculate the time difference in minutes for each row from the first row for that group (elapsed)

    and update the temp table, setting selected=-1 where the elapsed time is <=60 minutes, thus removing these rows from the data for the next run.

    5. Repeat Step 4 until no rows are updated - which means we have removed all "duplicate" entries

    6. Update all "first rows" for each group as "selected" = 1 - we know we want these now but don't want to test the elapsed time against these again

    7. Repeat from Step 3

    8. Select all rows which have been "selected" (selected=1)


    select geometry::STGeomFromWKB(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  • Cursor/loop based solution given by Mister.Magoo is fine, but will suffer performance issues if you need to process large dataset at once.

    As I have said before "quirky update" would do it without RBAR:

    select distinct pmd_patient_id, endcallcd, createdat , cast(null as datetime) as prevdt,

    cast(null as int) ttl_dif into #forqu

    from la_test_endcall

    create unique clustered index ix_#forqu on #forqu (pmd_patient_id,endcallcd,createdat)

    declare @prevdt datetime

    declare @patid int, @ecd int

    declare @diff int

    update f

    set @prevdt = prevdt = case when @prevdt is null or @patid != pmd_patient_id or @ecd != endcallcd then null

    else @prevdt


    ,@diff = ttl_dif = case when @patid is null or @patid != pmd_patient_id or @ecd != endcallcd then null

    when @diff >= 3600 then datediff(second,@prevdt,createdat)

    else isnull(@diff,0) + datediff(second,@prevdt,createdat)


    ,@prevdt = createdat

    ,@patid = pmd_patient_id

    ,@ecd = endcallcd

    from #forqu as f with (tablockx)

    option (maxdop 1)

    select pmd_patient_id, endcallcd, count(*)

    from #forqu

    where ttl_dif is null or ttl_dif >=3600

    group by pmd_patient_id, endcallcd

    Explanation of how "quirky update" works you can find in Jeff Moden article (

    You can actually remove prevdt column from #forqu table, I have left it there so you can see how the createdat is taken from previous row.

    "The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing"
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    (So many miracle inventions provided by MS to us...)

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  • Tweaked mine so that it returns the same results as Eugene's. Having a different set of data with other possibilities helped. Again, run the following in an empty database first. There are two queries, on the returns just counts and another that returns the dataset used to generate the counts.

    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[la_test_endcall](

    [pmd_patient_id] [bigint] NOT NULL,

    [endcallcd] [int] NOT NULL,

    [eventid] [bigint] NOT NULL,

    [createdat] [datetime] NOT NULL

    ) ON [PRIMARY];

    INSERT [dbo].[la_test_endcall] ([pmd_patient_id], [endcallcd], [eventid], [createdat]) VALUES (100128137, 1001, 9999995, '2013-04-16 12:02:14.000')

    INSERT [dbo].[la_test_endcall] ([pmd_patient_id], [endcallcd], [eventid], [createdat]) VALUES (100128137, 1001, 9999996, '2013-04-16 17:02:14.000');

    INSERT [dbo].[la_test_endcall] ([pmd_patient_id], [endcallcd], [eventid], [createdat]) VALUES (100128137, 1001, 9999997, '2013-04-16 17:12:14.000');

    INSERT [dbo].[la_test_endcall] ([pmd_patient_id], [endcallcd], [eventid], [createdat]) VALUES (100128138, 1001, 5093634, '2013-04-16 17:17:14.000');

    INSERT [dbo].[la_test_endcall] ([pmd_patient_id], [endcallcd], [eventid], [createdat]) VALUES (100128138, 1001, 5099268, '2013-04-26 13:48:53.000');

    INSERT [dbo].[la_test_endcall] ([pmd_patient_id], [endcallcd], [eventid], [createdat]) VALUES (100128138, 1002, 5121175, '2013-05-16 16:43:51.000');

    INSERT [dbo].[la_test_endcall] ([pmd_patient_id], [endcallcd], [eventid], [createdat]) VALUES (100128138, 1002, 5133281, '2013-05-23 17:53:46.000');

    INSERT [dbo].[la_test_endcall] ([pmd_patient_id], [endcallcd], [eventid], [createdat]) VALUES (100128138, 1002, 5133281,'2013-05-23 18:43:46.000');

    INSERT [dbo].[la_test_endcall] ([pmd_patient_id], [endcallcd], [eventid], [createdat]) VALUES (100128138, 1002, 5133281,'2013-05-23 19:03:46.000');


    with overlaps as (

    SELECT DISTINCT o.pmd_patient_id, o.endcallcd, o.eventid, o.createdat

    FROM dbo.la_test_endcall AS o


    SELECT x.pmd_patient_id, x.endcallcd, x.eventid, x.createdat

    FROM dbo.la_test_endcall AS x

    WHERE x.pmd_patient_id = o.pmd_patient_id and x.endcallcd = o.endcallcd

    AND x.createdat <> o.createdat

    AND x.createdat <= dateadd(minute, 60, o.createdat)

    and dateadd(minute, 60, x.createdat) >= o.createdat

    ) AS f

    ), baseoverlaps as (






    rn = row_number() over (partition by pmd_patient_id order by createdat asc)





    pmd_patient_id, endcallcd, count(*) as EventCount

    from (


    pmd_patient_id, endcallcd, eventid, createdat





    pmd_patient_id, endcallcd, eventid, createdat




    rn > 1) dt

    group by

    pmd_patient_id, endcallcd

    order by

    pmd_patient_id, endcallcd



    with overlaps as (

    SELECT DISTINCT o.pmd_patient_id, o.endcallcd, o.eventid, o.createdat

    FROM dbo.la_test_endcall AS o


    SELECT x.pmd_patient_id, x.endcallcd, x.eventid, x.createdat

    FROM dbo.la_test_endcall AS x

    WHERE x.pmd_patient_id = o.pmd_patient_id and x.endcallcd = o.endcallcd

    AND x.createdat <> o.createdat

    AND x.createdat <= dateadd(minute, 60, o.createdat)

    and dateadd(minute, 60, x.createdat) >= o.createdat

    ) AS f

    ), baseoverlaps as (






    rn = row_number() over (partition by pmd_patient_id order by createdat asc)





    pmd_patient_id, endcallcd, eventid, createdat





    pmd_patient_id, endcallcd, eventid, createdat




    rn > 1



    drop table dbo.la_test_endcall;


  • Scratch, something happened here need to work it again.

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