Oracle CASE statement into SQL Server

  • I'm working on changing an Oracle CASE statement into a SQL Server CASE statement. I having a spot of difficulty in trying to figure out how to alter the code. It seems as though I am making it harder than it really needs to be. The Oracle code is...


    WHEN TO_CHAR(H.effdt, 'YYYY') IN ('2001','2002') THEN

    DECODE (H.review_rating,

    '1','Exceeded Way, Exceeded Results',

    '2','Exceeded Way, Achieved Results',

    '3','Exceeded Way, Did not meet Results',

    '4','Achieved Way, Did not meet Results',

    '5','Achieved Way, Achieved Results',

    '6','Achieved Way, Exceeded Results',

    '7','Did not meet Way, Exceeded Results',

    '8','Did not meet Way, Achieved Results',

    '9','Did not meet Way, Did not meet Results',


    WHEN TO_CHAR(H.effdt, 'YYYY') IN ('2003','2004', '2005') THEN

    DECODE (H.review_rating,

    '1','Does not Meet Expectations',

    '2','Partially Meets Expectations',

    '3','Meets Expectations',

    '4','Exceeds Expectations',

    '5','Far Exceeds Expectations',


    ELSE 'Empty'

    END) as review_rating

    My attempt to correct...

    CASE WHEN YEAR(H.effdt) IN ('2001','2002') AND

    (CASE H.review_rating

    WHEN '1' THEN 'Exceeded Way, Exceeded Results'

    WHEN '2' THEN 'Exceeded Way, Achieved Results'

    WHEN '3' THEN 'Exceeded Way, Did not meet Results'

    WHEN '4' THEN 'Achieved Way, Did not meet Results'

    WHEN '5' THEN 'Achieved Way, Achieved Results'

    WHEN '6' THEN 'Achieved Way, Exceeded Results'

    WHEN '7' THEN 'Did not meet Way, Exceeded Results'

    WHEN '8' THEN 'Did not meet Way, Achieved Results'

    WHEN '9' THEN 'Did not meet Way, Did not meet Results'

    ELSE 'Empty'



    WHEN YEAR(H.effdt) IN ('2003','2004','2005') AND

    (CASE H.review_rating

    WHEN '1' THEN 'Does not Meet Expectations'

    WHEN '2' THEN 'Partially Meets Expectations'

    WHEN '3' THEN 'Meets Expectations'

    WHEN '4' THEN 'Exceeds Expectations'

    WHEN '5' THEN 'Far Exceeds Expectations'

    ELSE 'Empty')


    END) AS review_rating


  • Solved:

    (CASE WHEN YEAR(H.effdt) IN ('2001', '2002') THEN

    (CASE H.review_rating

    WHEN '1' THEN 'Exceeded Way, Exceeded Results'

    WHEN '2' THEN 'Exceeded Way, Achieved Results'

    WHEN '3' THEN 'Exceeded Way, Did not meet Results'

    WHEN '4' THEN 'Achieved Way, Did not meet Results'

    WHEN '5' THEN 'Achieved Way, Achieved Results'

    WHEN '6' THEN 'Achieved Way, Exceeded Results'

    WHEN '7' THEN 'Did not meet Way, Exceeded Results'

    WHEN '8' THEN 'Did not meet Way, Achieved Results'

    WHEN '9' THEN 'Did not meet Way, Did not meet Results'

    ELSE 'Empty'


    WHEN YEAR(H.effdt) IN ('2003','2004','2005') THEN

    (CASE H.review_rating

    WHEN '1' THEN 'Does not Meet Expectations'

    WHEN '2' THEN 'Partially Meets Expectations'

    WHEN '3' THEN 'Meets Expectations'

    WHEN '4' THEN 'Exceeds Expectations'

    WHEN '5' THEN 'Far Exceeds Expectations'

    ELSE 'Empty'


    END) AS review_rating


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