
  • Hi gurus

    I would like to know how can I tell wich of the two sql in my cluster is the primary one, I very new to this so take it easy on me

    Thanks a bunch

  • If you are trying to find out which node SQL is running on(the active node), you can use the query below.

    select SERVERPROPERTY('ComputerNamePhysicalNetBIOS')

  • You did not indicate what version of SQL so I am basing this information on what I have currently running SQL 2008 R2.

    There are several settings that can indicate which node is the primary. To determine that, log into the server and open Failover Cluster Manager.

    Expand the tree. Look under services for an instance and right click look at properties.

    Under the general tab it should indicate which node is the "preferred owner".

    You can also look in the Summary of SQL Server (instance name) window.

    Find the Server Name, right click and look at properties and Advanced Policies tab. This tells you which node the instance can fail over to in the event of an issue.

    Looking at all this information and help screens in the Cluster Manager will help give you a better feel for the cluster as well.

    AJ Mendo | @SQLAJ

  • Thankssss a Bunch Gurus

    I follow the Failover cluster Method and I was able to get to the tree but once I click on an instance there is no preferred owner<none>, so is it possible for this cluster not to have a primary

    Thanks again gurus

  • Yes. you can have one without a primary, however I've never seen it in the wild. You can also set both up as primary. Reminder, moving nodes will cause a temporary interruption in service.

    Edit: I lied, I have one in the wild >.<; . to verify I checked one of my 6 node cluster with 3 sql servers... one had no Preferred server. Soooo, that has been fixed. but yes, you can have a clustered server and no preference.


  • Does anyone know how to auto-populate a contact look up or e-mail field on a custom object with the "primary" contact from Contact Roles on Opportunities? I want a user to be able to create a new record on the custom object and have it automatically pull the contact information of the "primary" contact from the Opportunity so I can build workflow to send an e-mail notification. Thanks! :hehe:

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