Upgrade to 2008 - Some Advice

  • Hi,

    I was just wondering what the best option is. I have a 2005 SQL server with 4 instances and about 30 databases that I want to upgrade to 2008.

    I was wondering if it's best to uninstall the 2005 SQL instances or just upgrade to SQL 2008 over the top.





  • Best option is a side by side install upgrade, that is if you have a spare server or can change the connection strings and have 4 2008 instances running along side your 2005 instances.

    You could do an inplace upgrade, but would have to do it 4 times, one for each instance.

    You could uninstall reinstall, but you would have to ensure that you have scripted all server wide objects, jobs, ssis packages etc etc out so that they can be recreated once you reinstall.

    Also remember before doing anything take a full backup of all the databases, and always do it on a test environment to get a feel for the problems which may arise during the pre and post upgrade steps.

  • anthony.green (2/14/2013)

    Best option is a side by side install upgrade, that is if you have a spare server or can change the connection strings and have 4 2008 instances running along side your 2005 instances.

    You could do an inplace upgrade, but would have to do it 4 times, one for each instance.

    You could uninstall reinstall, but you would have to ensure that you have scripted all server wide objects, jobs, ssis packages etc etc out so that they can be recreated once you reinstall.

    Also remember before doing anything take a full backup of all the databases, and always do it on a test environment to get a feel for the problems which may arise during the pre and post upgrade steps.

    +1 for anthony's response.

    When I upgraded one of our older servers from 2005 to 2008 R2 I installed the new 2008 instance on another server so that we could verify everything before finally wiping the old server so it could be redeployed as a mirror witness.

    I'd definitely recommend thorough testing before going live though..... test, test, test!! 🙂

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  • I also agree with Anthony completely. When we upgraded from 2005 to 2008, we installed it on a separate physical server and tested everything. I will say it again - test everything! We're in the process now of bringing another database server online. We're going to follow the same process - migrate copies and test everything.

    It'll also give you time to address any problems you find on the new server without having your production environment down while you work.

    It's a proven approach and gives you a fallback position if you have to abandon.

  • Unfortunately I don't have the luxury of another server hence the question. In a perfect world I'd build a new server and then move the databases one by one.

    Thanks for the comments, it's food for thought



  • Have to admit, I just upgrated in place from SQL 2005 to 2008. It's fairly straightforward. (Nothing at all like the huge changes going from SQL 2000 to 2005.)

    SQL DBA,SQL Server MVP(07, 08, 09) "Money can't buy you happiness." Maybe so, but it can make your unhappiness a LOT more comfortable!

  • I must be doing something wrong. When I go to upgrade in only upgrades the Configuration Tools. It won't upgrade the current instances of SQL server. Or it wants to create a new instance.





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