Get number of unique values in group of columns

  • Hi -

    I have the following scenario and not sure of the best way to write the T-SQL query without a bunch of joins.


    Main Category | SubCategory | SubCategory2 | SubCategory3 | Product Name | Manufacturer | Color

    Cloths | Shirts | Summer Shirts | Tank Tops | Tank Top Product #1 | The Best Manufacturer | White

    Cloths | Shirts | Summer Shirts | Tank Tops | Tank Top Product #1 | The Best Manufacturer | Black

    Cloths | Shirts | Summer Shirts | Tank Tops | Tank Top Product #1 | The Best Manufacturer | Green

    Cloths | Shirts | Summer Shirts | T-Shirts | T-Shirt Product #1 | Some Manufacturer | White

    Cloths | Shirts | Summer Shirts | T-Shirts | T-Shirt Product #2 | Some Manufacturer | White

    Cloths | Shirts | Summer Shirts | T-Shirts | T-Shirt Product #3 | Some Manufacturer | White

    Cloths | Pants | Summer Pants | Cargo Shorts | Cargo Short Product #1 | Some Manufacturer | White

    Cloths | Pants | Summer Pants | Cargo Shorts | Cargo Short Product #2 | Some Manufacturer | Green

    Cloths | Pants | Summer Pants | Cargo Shorts | Cargo Short Product #3 | Some Manufacturer | White

    Food | Snacks | Candy Bars | NULL | Almond Joy | Hersheys | NULL

    Food | Snacks | Candy Bars | NULL | Snickers | MARS | NULL

    Food | Snacks | Chips | NULL | BBQ Pringles | Kellogg | NULL

    Desired Result

    I want the number of unique products, manufacturers and colors for each group of categories. Example below:

    Main Category | SubCategory | SubCategory2 | SubCategory3 | Product Name | Manufacturer | Color

    Cloths | Shirts | Summer Shirts | Tank Tops | 1 | 1 | 3

    Cloths | Shirts | Summer Shirts | T-Shirts | 3 | 1 | 1

    Cloths | Pants | Summer Pants | Cargo Shorts | 3 | 1 | 2

    Food | Snacks | Candy Bars | NULL | 2 | 2 | NULL

    Food | Snacks | Chips | NULL | 1 | 1 | NULL

    Description of results:

    There is one product (Tank Top Product #1), one manufacturer (The Best Manufacturer) and three colors (White, Black and Green) in the Cloths>Shirts>Summer Shirts>Tank Tops category grouping

    There are three products (T-Shirt Product #1, T-Shirt Product #2 and T-Shirt Product #3), one manufacturer (Some Manufacturer) and one color (White) in the Cloths>Shirts>Summer Shirts>T-Shirts category grouping.

    There are three products (Cargo Short Product #1, Cargo Short Product #1 and Cargo Short Product #1), one manufacturer (Some Manufacturer) and two colors (White and Green) in the Cloths>Pants>Summer Pants>Cargo Shorts category grouping.

    There are two products (Almond Joy and Snickers), two manufacturers (Hersheys and MARS) and no colors in the Food>Snacks>Candy Bars category grouping.

    There is one product (BBQ Pringles), one manufacturer (Kellogg) and no colors in the Food>Snacks>Chips category grouping.

    Thanks in advance for any guidance on best ways to write a query such as this!

  • Did you want a null for no colours or a zero?

    select [Main Category]

    , [SubCategory]

    , [SubCategory2]

    , [SubCategory3]

    , [Distinct Products] = COUNT(distinct [Product Name] )

    , [Distinct Manufacturers] = COUNT (distinct [Manufacturer] )

    --- Choose which answer

    , [Distinct Colours] = nullif( COUNT(distinct [Color] ) , 0)

    , [Distinct Colours] = COUNT(distinct [Color] )

    from #t

    group by [Main Category]

    , [SubCategory]

    , [SubCategory2]

    , [SubCategory3]

    order by [Main Category]

    , [SubCategory]

    , [SubCategory2]

    , [SubCategory3]

  • Thanks Steve! That was so easy I didn't even think to try it!

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