Need guidance on how to Insert a new record between existing records

  • Here is a the table structure:

    MemberNbr Varchar(11)

    MemberCardNumber Varchar(10)

    EffectiveDate Int

    TermDate Int

    Sample data is:

    Membernbr MemberCardNumber EffectiveDate TermDate

    12345678909 A020129091 20120101 20120430

    12345678909 A020129091 20120501 20120630

    12345678909 A020129091 20120701 20120831

    12345678909 A020129091 20120901 0

    I receive an incoming file which indicates that this member updated his CardNumber to

    B020129091 on 20120516 and I need to update the table to reflect this change in all his records

    going forward from 20120516, overwriting, if necessary records which exist in the table and which

    have effective dates > than 20120516 while also maintaining the TermDates.

    Does anyone have some guidance on the SQL to do this?

  • Would help if we know what the income record looked like for one. Also, if you could provide the DDL (CREATE TABLE) statement for the table, the sample data as a series of INSERT INTO statements, and what the expected results should look like when the code completes that would be helpful.

  • This is nothing more than updating the table where date is greater than the date being passed in. The reason you are having a problem is because you have dates stored as an integer. You first have to painstakingly split that int into a usable datetime and this becomes trivial.

    Update YourTable

    set CardNumber = NewCardNumber

    where MemberNbr = PassedInMemberNbr

    and EffectiveDate >= PassedInDate

    If there is ANY chance you can change this table to use the correct datatype for dates it will go a long way to making your life easier.


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  • Hmm, seems to me that in this case the query is the same either way, with exactly the same WHERE clause structure.

    The only difference is that the WHERE comparison value, the value compared to the column value, is also an int instead of a date.

    SQL DBA,SQL Server MVP(07, 08, 09) "Money can't buy you happiness." Maybe so, but it can make your unhappiness a LOT more comfortable!

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