Selecting records in table only when ALL related records in other table satisfy multiple conditions

  • Hello and thank you for your time. I feel like this should be simple but I can’t seem to work it out….maybe I have been working on it so long that I need another perspective.

    I have a Lab_result_obr_p table that contains labs that have been resulted: The PK is LabNum which is the lab Number and the FK is OrderNum which is the order number.

    So in this table one order# can have multiple lab#s

    Table: Lab_result_obr_p:

    LabNum OrderNum

    A29E02FE D2C6DDA8

    4A563D24 D2C6DDA8

    0F53BC60 DC01E4EB

    GS43A689 DC01E4EB

    F943C7034 DF2654G7

    The other table is Lab_rsults_obx and it contains the lab components and individual component results. In this table, each lab# (uique_obr_Number) from above will have multiple lab comments and results

    Table: Lab_rsults_obx

    LabNem LabC Flag Value

    A29E02FE WBC N 3.5

    A29E02FE RBC N 260

    4A563D24 LMP: N 50

    4A563D24 RH TYPE N DNR


    GS43A689 MCV N 30

    GS43A689 MCH N 40

    F943C7034 RH TYPE Y Negative

    I need to select all ngn_order_num from Lab_result_obr_p where all components of all labs has a Abnormal_Flag of N and does not have a value of TNP. So if an Order has two labs, I need all the components for both labs to have an N for Abnormal_Flag and to not have a value of TNP for the order number to be selected

    So for the data above my result would look like:



  • Total guess but here is two ways that might work.

    select *

    from Lab_result_obr_p o

    left join Lab_rsults_obx r on o.LabNum = r.LabNem and r.Flag = 'N' and Value <> 'TNP'

    where re.LabNem is null

    select *

    from Lab_result_obr_p o

    WHERE NOT EXISTS( SELECT 1 FROM Lab_rsults_obx r WHERE o.LabNum = r.LabNem and r.Flag = 'N' and Value <> 'TNP')

    If you need more detailed help we will need a few things:

    1. Sample DDL in the form of CREATE TABLE statements

    2. Sample data in the form of INSERT INTO statements

    3. Expected results based on the sample data

    Please take a few minutes and read the first article in my signature for best practices when posting questions.


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  • Thank you for your reply and I will read your article about posting

    However, both examples fail to evaluate all records in the related table before returning the OrderNum

    If an OrderNum has 2 #LabNum's each with 10 componets, I need all 10 components from both LabNum's to satisfy the conditions before returning the OrderNum. I have tried every exists combination that I know of but it never accounts for all components. I believe it grabs the first case that meets the condition instead of evaluating them all.

    I will post the additional scripts you suggested soon


  • chrissorric (7/15/2013)

    Thank you for your reply and I will read your article about posting

    However, both examples fail to evaluate all records in the related table before returning the OrderNum

    If an OrderNum has 2 #LabNum's each with 10 componets, I need all 10 components from both LabNum's to satisfy the conditions before returning the OrderNum. I have tried every exists combination that I know of but it never accounts for all components. I believe it grabs the first case that meets the condition instead of evaluating them all.

    I will post the additional scripts you suggested soon


    Yeah those are the kinds of things that are hard to see when coding blind. πŸ˜‰ Once you post some ddl and sample data we can knock this out.

    You could possibly change the subquery in the exists version to something like this:

    select top 1

    FROM Lab_rsults_obx r

    WHERE o.LabNum = r.LabNem

    order by case when Flag = 'N' and Value <> 'TNP then 1 else 0 end


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  • select distinct OrderNum as ngn_order_num

    from Lab_result_obr_p o

    join Lab_rsults_obx r on o.LabNum = r.LabNem and r.Flag = 'N' and Value <> 'TNP'

    where OrderNum not in

    (select distinct OrderNum as ngn_order_num

    from Lab_result_obr_p o

    join Lab_rsults_obx r on o.LabNum = r.LabNem and r.Flag = 'N' and Value = 'TNP')

    -- OR depending on how you want to evaluate Value = 'TNP'

    select distinct OrderNum as ngn_order_num

    from Lab_result_obr_p o

    join Lab_rsults_obx r on o.LabNum = r.LabNem and r.Flag = 'N' and Value <> 'TNP'

    where OrderNum not in

    (select distinct OrderNum as ngn_order_num

    from Lab_result_obr_p o

    join Lab_rsults_obx r on o.LabNum = r.LabNem and Value = 'TNP')

  • Seeing as I work in medical these tables look a lot like NextGen tables πŸ˜‰

  • to love NextGen!!

  • Thanks for all the help!

    Edit....Out of all the offerings, this one seemed to work the best when testing




    OrderNum CHAR(8) NOT NULL


    INSERT @Orders





    VALUES ('A29E02FE', 'D2C6DDA8'),

    ('4A563D24', 'D2C6DDA8'),

    ('0F53BC60', 'DC01E4EB'),

    ('GS43A689', 'DC01E4EB'),

    ('F943C7034', 'DF2654G7');

    DECLARE @Results TABLE




    Flag CHAR(1) NOT NULL,



    INSERT @Results







    VALUES ('A29E02FE', 'WBC', 'N', '3.5'),

    ('A29E02FE', 'RBC', 'N', '260'),

    ('4A563D24', 'LMP:', 'N', '50'),

    ('4A563D24', 'RH TYPE', 'N', 'DNR'),

    ('0F53BC60', 'BACTERIA', 'N', 'TNP'),

    ('GS43A689', 'MCV', 'N', '30'),

    ('GS43A689', 'MCH', 'N', '40'),

    ('F943C7034', 'RH TYPE', 'Y', 'Negative');

    -----Via ScottPletcher------------------

    SELECT p.OrderNum

    FROM @Orders AS p

    INNER JOIN @Results AS x ON x.LabNum = p.LabNum

    GROUP BY p.OrderNum

    HAVING SUM(Case when x.Flag = 'N'THEN 1 ELSE 0 END)= COUNT (x.Flag) and

    Max(CASE WHEN x.Value = 'TNP' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) = 0

  • chrissorric (7/17/2013)Thanks for all the help!

    This is what I finally came up with

    SELECT p.OrderNum

    FROM @Orders AS p

    INNER JOIN @Results AS x ON x.LabNum = p.LabNum

    GROUP BY p.OrderNum

    HAVING SUM(Case when x.Flag = 'N'THEN 1 ELSE 0 END)= COUNT (x.Flag) and

    Max(CASE WHEN x.Value = 'TNP' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) = 0

    Interesting ... that is exactly the HAVING logic that I posted on the "SQL Team Forum" site in response to requestor "csorric". But I'm glad "you finally came up with" something that worked well for you.

    SQL DBA,SQL Server MVP(07, 08, 09) "Money can't buy you happiness." Maybe so, but it can make your unhappiness a LOT more comfortable!

  • I have corrected my English above Sir.

    My Script has your name and Link to the post in the documentation. I posted here so that somebody else could find the answer if they needed. I appreciate your help and will be much more cognizant of documenting credit

  • A simple join seems to do the trick as well. It seems that I get TWO orders that meet the required condition though. Maybe you are just looking for the TOP(1)?








    @Orders AS p


    @Results AS r

    ON p.LabNum = r.LabNum


    r.Flag = 'N'

    AND r.Value <> 'TNP'


  • Voide (7/15/2013)

    Seeing as I work in medical these tables look a lot like NextGen tables πŸ˜‰

    Dunno much about NextGen but "OBR" and "OBX" are sure indicators that HL7 is involved πŸ™‚








    @Orders AS p


    @Results AS r

    ON p.LabNum = r.LabNum


    r.Flag = 'N'

    AND r.Value <> 'TNP'

    I orginally created a report using just this simple join. But when I was testing the data, it doesn't account for orders having mulitple labs. ORder# DC01E4EB has two Labs ('0F53BC60','GS43A689'). Lab # GS43A689 has two componets (Lab_C) both of which pass the conditions, but Lab #0F53BC60 has one componet and it contains 'TNP' and does not meet both the conditions. The only Order that meets all conditions is 'D2C6DDA8'

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