SQL QUERY help - restricting select statement by removing 1 columns duplicates but retaining nulls

  • Hi,

    The following code is almost working, it selects everything I want but slightly too much. It is duplicating some of the ld_id's as there are multiple records in the ls table against those ld_id's. I would like to remove these duplicates to basically retrun distinct ld_id's. I also want to retain the nulls against the ls_id's as it is important that I know which records do not have data in this column....


    'thistype'as ATYPE,




    FROM ld_table AS ld

    LEFT OUTER JOIN ls_table AS ls ON ld.ld_id = ls.ld_id

    --WHERE (ld.name LIKE '%' + @NAME + '%' OR @NAME IS NULL OR @NAME = '')

    --AND (ld.as_id = @ID OR @ID IS NULL OR @ID = '')

    ORDER BY ld.name asc

    I have tried various joins and subselects but either they returned the duplicates or didn't return the ld records without a ls_id....

    I hope you follow. Basically I want the distinct values from the ld_table with the ls_id populated from the ls_table.

  • It would be helpfull if you can provide some sample data.

    From your description it looks like the [ls_table] has duplicate values of [ld_id]. When joining both tables, these duplicate values result in duplicate rows from the [ld_table].

    ** Don't mistake the ‘stupidity of the crowd’ for the ‘wisdom of the group’! **
  • Yes that is the case:


    ls_id L001 L002 L003

    ld_id A001 A001 A002

    name bob brian alex

    stuff blah blah blah


    ld_id A001 A002 A003

    name king Qan Left

    stuff blah blah blah

    more blah blah blah

    So I want 1 row returned for every record in LD_TABLE but I only need to know if data exists against that record in LS_TABLE. (Basically so I have an identifier, I now realise I don't actually need the ID just now). Does that make sense?

    I am writing some code which highlights if an LD_TABLE record has a related LS_TABLE record and if it does I want to highlight that record.

  • Right, I had an epiphany....as I don't care about the actual value of the ls_id all I need to do is return the max ID so one record populates..


    'thistype' AS ATYPE,





    LEFT JOIN LS_TABLE AS ls ON ld.ld_id = ls.ld_id

    GROUP BY ld.ld_id, ld.name

  • Below are two solutions.

    The first solution returns all columns from both [ld_table] and [ls_table] with the minimum values from [ls_tabe]. The rows include the ones from [ld_table] without a matching record in [ls_table].

    The second only returns the columns and rows from [ld_table] with matching rows in [ls_table].

    create table #ls_table (ls_id char(4), ld_id char(4), value_1 char(4))

    create table #ld_table (ld_id char(4), value_2 char(4))

    insert into #ls_table

    values ('L001', 'A001', 'bail')

    , ('L002', 'A001', 'alex')

    , ('L003', 'A002', 'abby')

    insert into #ld_table

    values ('A001', 'klmn')

    , ('A002', 'wxyz')

    , ('A003', 'abcd')

    select *

    from #ld_table

    left outer join (select ld_id, min(ls_id) as ls_id, min(value_1) as value_1 from #ls_table group by ld_id) as ls_table

    on #ld_table.ld_id = ls_table.ld_id

    select *

    from #ld_table

    where ld_id in (select ld_id from #ls_table)

    drop table #ls_table

    drop table #ld_table

    ** Don't mistake the ‘stupidity of the crowd’ for the ‘wisdom of the group’! **

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