Can someone help me with a script please?

  • Hi,

    I got very nice assistance last time i had an issue on this site. Can anyone assist me? I would like to know, is there a script i can run the re indexes all the tables in a sql database? Reasons:

    I have clients running sql databases.Some of them start to complain about speed. The servers is fine, i cjhecked them out. Databases from 1.0 - 18 GB in size. After i re-index each table one by one, it seems a lot better. It takes forever though. Is there a script that can assist me?

    Thank You!

  • Use this..

    exec sp_msforeachtable @command1="print'?' dbcc dbreindex ('?')"

    Taken from">


    You can use following to reindex all tables in all databases..

  • Those links don't work for me. The code you posted will do the job, but it'll rebuild every index in the database regardless of how fragmented it is. This is a waste of resources and will significantly increase the size of your transaction log backups.


  • John Mitchell-245523 (7/24/2013)

    Those links don't work for me. The code you posted will do the job, but it'll rebuild every index in the database regardless of how fragmented it is. This is a waste of resources and will significantly increase the size of your transaction log backups.


    Don't bother with those links. The first one is the exact code that was posted and the second is simply a cursor that does the same thing for all databases.

    I second what John says. You shouldn't just blindly reindex everything.


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  • This will show you all of your index's which are fragmented between 5% and 40% - you can easily change this to execute the command rather than just print. and also change this to do rebuild on everything over 40%

    --Create temp table for list of indexs

    CREATE TABLE #IndexFrag(

    database_id int,

    object_ID int,

    index_id int,

    name ntext,

    avg_fragmentation_In_Percent real )

    --Fill the table with all the indexs and fragmentation level

    insert into #IndexFrag (database_id, object_ID, index_id, name, avg_fragmentation_In_Percent)

    SELECT ps.database_id, ps.OBJECT_ID,



    FROM sys.dm_db_index_physical_stats (DB_ID(), NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL) AS ps

    INNER JOIN sys.indexes AS b ON ps.OBJECT_ID = b.OBJECT_ID

    AND ps.index_id = b.index_id

    WHERE ps.database_id = DB_ID()


    --select * from #IndexFrag

    --drop table #indexfrag

    --Selecting all index's over 40% fragmented


    declare @cnt int

    declare @Result nvarchar(128)

    declare @cmd nvarchar(500)

    declare @tablename nvarchar(500)

    declare FindFragment cursor for

    SELECT name FROM #IndexFrag WHERE (avg_fragmentation_In_Percent > 5) and (avg_fragmentation_in_percent < 40) and (name not like 'null')

    --Cursor to go through each index which is over 40% and rebuild

    open FindFragment

    fetch next from FindFragment into @result

    while @@fetch_status = 0


    set @tablename = ( select OBJECT_NAME(object_id) FROM sys.indexes WHERE name = @Result)

    set @cmd = N'ALTER Index ' + @result + ' on ' + @tablename + ' REORGANIZE '

    print @cmd

    --EXEC sp_executeSQL @cmd

    fetch next from FindFragment into @result


    close FindFragment

    deallocate FindFragment

    drop table #IndexFrag

  • Very interesting thank you. Now, may I ask? I want to test this. I will test and mark the speed of the app connecting to the dbase. How do I fragment a table? To test? My transactions is slow on some servers, if I can find a remedy it will be Christmas.

  • Run the command on your fragmented database- it will not execute anything, only print the command. You can run this on a copy of live if need be, it will not effect anything

  • If you want to fragment your indexes, you'll need to make lots of modifications - inserts, updates and deletes. Try to choose operations that change data in index key columns, or that add rows to, or remove rows from, the middle of the index.


  • Make a backup of your fragmeted DB before running reindex. So every time you will need to test your script, run a restore and then run your script

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