openquery error, syntax

  • HI, have a developer with an issue he would like a quick answer to. Openquery called from a stored proc fails with error below

    OLE DB provider "SQLNCLI10" for linked server "LGRDCDSQL06\PROTEA" returned message "Deferred prepare could not be completed.".

    Msg 8180, Level 16, State 1, Line 1

    Statement(s) could not be prepared.

    Msg 137, Level 15, State 2, Line 1

    Must declare the scalar variable "@PARAM_FILENAME".

    the relevant part of the stored proc is below, anyone throw any light on what its unhappy about

    ALTER procedure [dbo].[sp_Job_FderScanDataProc] (@PARAM_FILENAME varchar(255)) as

    -- Local variable declaration

    -- File handling variables

    declare @temp varchar(255)

    declare @data varchar(255)

    declare @data1 varchar(255)

    declare @delimiter char(1)

    declare @nHandle int

    declare @result int

    declare @return int

    declare @bEOF int

    -- Feeder file entities

    declare @qstntype int

    declare @docno int

    declare @qstnno int

    declare @qno int

    declare @qfieldno int

    declare @qdata varchar(255)

    declare @hrhdocno int

    -- Default return value

    select @result = 0

    -- Set delimiter character

    select @delimiter = char(150)

    -- Open the input file for reading

    SELECT * FROM OPENQUERY([LGRDCDSQL06\PROTEA],'exec master..xp_FileReadStart @PARAM_FILENAME, @nHandle output')

    select 'Active File Handle : ' = @nHandle


  • The reason is query 'exec master..xp_FileReadStart @PARAM_FILENAME, @nHandle output' would be executed under a new session.

    The variable @PARAM_FILENAME is not visible in this new session.

  • thanks. so do it as dynamic sql then?


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