Blog Post

Atlanta MDF Presents Three Awesome Pre-Cons in Atlanta April 13, 2012


Atlanta MDF presents:

SQL Saturday #111 Pre-Conference Sessions

imageSQL Saturday is coming back to Atlanta on April 14, and once again, we’ve managed to schedule 3 awesome pre-con sessions for the Friday before (April 13). They will cover a broad spectrum of topics: Performance Tuning, SSIS, and SSRS. Registration is limited, so go take a look and see if you or someone from your company can benefit from this great training opportunity.

Also don’t forget that we will have an absolutely amazing lineup of presenters for Saturday! We’ll be announcing the final schedule for SQL Saturday #111 by Monday, February 13th. Registration is open, and we’re already halfway to capacity, so head out to to reserve your seat.


Andy Leonard and Matt Masson– A Day of SSIS –

A Day of SSIS was developed by Andy Leonard to train technology professionals in the fine art of using SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS) to build data integration and Extract-Transform-Load (ETL) solutions. The training is focused around lectures and emphasizes a practical approach. The target audience for this training is database professionals, application developers, and business intelligence practitioners interested in acquiring or expanding their existing SSIS skill set. No experience with SQL Server or SQL Server Integration Services is required before attending this training. It is helpful (but not required) that students possess some knowledge of and experience with relational databases. SQL Server knowledge / experience will be more helpful than experience and knowledge with other technologies.


Adam Machanic – No More Guessing! An Enlightened Approach to Performance Troubleshooting –

Scratching your head, you stare at the screen. Should you rebuild an index? Create a new one? Reboot the server? Why is this query so slow?!? Figuring out performance problems can sometimes feel like fumbling your way through a dark room. Maybe you’ll get lucky and find the right solution?or maybe you’ll stub your toe. Either way, it’s a slow, potentially painful process. Yet finding the root cause of most performance issues is a simple exercise, once you understand where to look and when. In this full day seminar, you will learn a proven methodology that can be used to approach virtually any performance problem. Created and refined by Adam Machanic over several years, this strategy leverages core SQL Server performance tools (including dynamic management views, Extended Events, and WMI counters), applying them to various performance troubleshooting techniques (such as waits and queues analysis, baselining, and real-time activity monitoring). Each of these tools and techniques has a unique role, and you will learn to use them cooperatively to quickly and adaptively find the actual cause of performance issues. All of this will be illustrated through complete demonstrations that will teach you how to drill from high-level problem detection all the way to specific spot in a query plan or deeper?pinpointing the exact problem and helping you to quickly solve it. Attend this seminar to take full control of your databases—and never again stumble blindly through the dimly lit world of performance troubleshooting.


Jessica Moss – Learn SSRS in a Day –

SQL Server MVP, Jessica M. Moss, presents an exciting, introductory, full day training session on SQL Server Reporting Services 2008 R2. In the three-part class, Jessica will teach you how to build reports from the ground up. In Part 1, learn the basics of report development, including picking a report development tool and creating your first report. Part 2 delves into visualizations, groupings, and drill-down functionality. Finally, Part 3 highlights core administration tasks in Reporting Services. In addition, Jessica will point out industry-wide best practices for report development and show numerous live demos using a variety of data sources.

Friday, April 13, 2012

Georgia State University – Alpharetta
3775 Brookside Pkwy
Alpharetta, GA

Map picture


Register for pre-conference sessions by March 15 for $99!
($109 after March 15)

For registration to the Saturday Event and more information visit


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