.csv format from ssms

  • Hello

    I want to take data extract into .csv format. I already try from select my result set and save as .csv file.

    but people complain about that is not in real csv format.

    so please suggest me any other way for csv data file dump.

  • Have you tried using the Import/Export wizard?

  • Lynn Pettis (8/16/2012)

    Have you tried using the Import/Export wizard?

    No, because i am exporting my results from query

  • You can do this. On the screen titled "Specify Table Copy or Query", choose "Write a query to specify the data to transfer". In the next screen, paste your query.

  • You can use the wizard to run a query to export to a flat file.

    You can also run the query to file, but to save it as CSV, you would have to put in a ',' in between each column other wise it will export it as one cell, not multiple cells.

  • anthony.green (8/16/2012)

    You can use the wizard to run a query to export to a flat file.

    You can also run the query to file, but to save it as CSV, you would have to put in a ',' in between each column other wise it will export it as one cell, not multiple cells.

    I am using temp table as #temp1 in my query

    but export wizard don't allow that

    so how to handle that?

  • select column1,',',column2,',',column3 from #temp

    then export query results to file using ssms

  • Here is the problem we face, we can't see what you see. You are using a temporary table, great. Are you exporting directly from the table using a query? Based on what little you have provided, probably. Well, how is the data getting INTO the temporary table? Are you running a query to populate this table or is the data just magically appearing in the table for you? If you are using a query, use that query in the Import/Export wizard to create your csv file.

  • Lynn Pettis (8/16/2012)

    Here is the problem we face, we can't see what you see. You are using a temporary table, great. Are you exporting directly from the table using a query? Based on what little you have provided, probably. Well, how is the data getting INTO the temporary table? Are you running a query to populate this table or is the data just magically appearing in the table for you? If you are using a query, use that query in the Import/Export wizard to create your csv file.

    in my task, i need to load into temp table by year wise and then join to actual table. so i am using temp table

    and thats why i having some trouble

  • please provide your query

  • anthony.green (8/16/2012)

    please provide your query

    declare @CurrentSchoolYear int,

    @dtBeginDateIA3 datetime,

    @dtEndDateIA3 datetime,

    @dtBeginDateIA2 datetime,

    @dtEndDateIA2 datetime,

    @dtBeginDateIA1 datetime,

    @dtEndDateIA1 datetime,

    @dtBeginDateIA datetime,

    @dtEndDateIA datetime

    select @CurrentSchoolYear = iCurrentSchoolYearCode from tblSysVariables

    SELECT @dtBeginDateIA3 = cd.dtCalendarDay

    FROM tblCalendarDay cd WITH (NOLOCK) INNER JOIN tblCalendarDayCategory cdc WITH (NOLOCK) ON cd.iCalendarDayId = cdc.iCalendarDayId

    WHERE cdc.iCalendarDayCategoryId = 4 AND ischoolyearcode = @CurrentSchoolYear

    SELECT @dtEndDateIA3 = cd.dtCalendarDay

    FROM tblCalendarDay cd WITH (NOLOCK) INNER JOIN tblCalendarDayCategory cdc WITH (NOLOCK) ON cd.iCalendarDayId = cdc.iCalendarDayId

    WHERE cdc.iCalendarDayCategoryId = 5 AND ischoolyearcode = @CurrentSchoolYear

    SELECT @dtBeginDateIA2 = cd.dtCalendarDay

    FROM tblCalendarDay cd WITH (NOLOCK) INNER JOIN tblCalendarDayCategory cdc WITH (NOLOCK) ON cd.iCalendarDayId = cdc.iCalendarDayId

    WHERE cdc.iCalendarDayCategoryId = 4 AND ischoolyearcode = @CurrentSchoolYear-1

    SELECT @dtEndDateIA2 = cd.dtCalendarDay

    FROM tblCalendarDay cd WITH (NOLOCK) INNER JOIN tblCalendarDayCategory cdc WITH (NOLOCK) ON cd.iCalendarDayId = cdc.iCalendarDayId

    WHERE cdc.iCalendarDayCategoryId = 5 AND ischoolyearcode = @CurrentSchoolYear-1

    SELECT @dtBeginDateIA1 = cd.dtCalendarDay

    FROM tblCalendarDay cd WITH (NOLOCK) INNER JOIN tblCalendarDayCategory cdc WITH (NOLOCK) ON cd.iCalendarDayId = cdc.iCalendarDayId

    WHERE cdc.iCalendarDayCategoryId = 4 AND ischoolyearcode = @CurrentSchoolYear-2

    SELECT @dtEndDateIA1 = cd.dtCalendarDay

    FROM tblCalendarDay cd WITH (NOLOCK) INNER JOIN tblCalendarDayCategory cdc WITH (NOLOCK) ON cd.iCalendarDayId = cdc.iCalendarDayId

    WHERE cdc.iCalendarDayCategoryId = 5 AND ischoolyearcode = @CurrentSchoolYear-2

    SELECT @dtBeginDateIA = cd.dtCalendarDay

    FROM tblCalendarDay cd WITH (NOLOCK) INNER JOIN tblCalendarDayCategory cdc WITH (NOLOCK) ON cd.iCalendarDayId = cdc.iCalendarDayId

    WHERE cdc.iCalendarDayCategoryId = 4 AND ischoolyearcode = @CurrentSchoolYear-3

    SELECT @dtEndDateIA = cd.dtCalendarDay

    FROM tblCalendarDay cd WITH (NOLOCK) INNER JOIN tblCalendarDayCategory cdc WITH (NOLOCK) ON cd.iCalendarDayId = cdc.iCalendarDayId

    WHERE cdc.iCalendarDayCategoryId = 5 AND ischoolyearcode = @CurrentSchoolYear-3

    CREATE TABLE #TempTable1 (cStudentID char(9), iSchoolCode int, cGradeCode varchar(04),iSuspensionTypeId int,iSuspNumOfDays int, iSchoolYearCode int )

    insert into #TempTable1 (cStudentID,iSchoolCode,cGradeCode,iSuspensionTypeId,iSuspNumOfDays,iSchoolYearCode)

    select IA.cStudentID,IA.iSchoolCode,IA.cGradeCode,IA.iSuspensionTypeId,IA.iSuspNumOfDays,@CurrentSchoolYear-3 from (

    SELECT cStudentID,iSchoolCode,cGradeCode,iSuspensionTypeId,COUNT(cStudentID) as NumIncidents,SUM(iSuspNumOfDays) as iSuspNumOfDays

    FROM tblIncidentActor

    WHERE iSuspensionTypeId IN (1,2,10,11,12,13)

    AND dtSuspBeginDate BETWEEN @dtBeginDateIA AND @dtEndDateIA

    GROUP BY cStudentID,iSuspensionTypeId,iSchoolCode,cGradeCode) IA

    insert into #TempTable1 (cStudentID,iSchoolCode,cGradeCode,iSuspensionTypeId,iSuspNumOfDays,iSchoolYearCode)

    select IA1.cStudentID,IA1.iSchoolCode,IA1.cGradeCode,IA1.iSuspensionTypeId,IA1.iSuspNumOfDays,@CurrentSchoolYear-2 from (

    SELECT cStudentID,iSchoolCode,cGradeCode,iSuspensionTypeId,COUNT(cStudentID) as NumIncidents,SUM(iSuspNumOfDays) as iSuspNumOfDays

    FROM tblIncidentActor

    WHERE iSuspensionTypeId IN (1,2,10,11,12,13)

    AND dtSuspBeginDate BETWEEN @dtBeginDateIA1 AND @dtEndDateIA1

    GROUP BY cStudentID,iSuspensionTypeId,iSchoolCode,cGradeCode) IA1

    insert into #TempTable1 (cStudentID,iSchoolCode,cGradeCode,iSuspensionTypeId,iSuspNumOfDays,iSchoolYearCode)

    select IA2.cStudentID,IA2.iSchoolCode,IA2.cGradeCode,IA2.iSuspensionTypeId,IA2.iSuspNumOfDays,@CurrentSchoolYear-1 from (

    SELECT cStudentID,iSchoolCode,cGradeCode,iSuspensionTypeId,COUNT(cStudentID) as NumIncidents,SUM(iSuspNumOfDays) as iSuspNumOfDays

    FROM tblIncidentActor

    WHERE iSuspensionTypeId IN (1,2,10,11,12,13)

    AND dtSuspBeginDate BETWEEN @dtBeginDateIA2 AND @dtEndDateIA2

    GROUP BY cStudentID,iSuspensionTypeId,iSchoolCode,cGradeCode) IA2

    insert into #TempTable1 (cStudentID,iSchoolCode,cGradeCode,iSuspensionTypeId,iSuspNumOfDays,iSchoolYearCode)

    select IA3.cStudentID,IA3.iSchoolCode,IA3.cGradeCode,IA3.iSuspensionTypeId,IA3.iSuspNumOfDays,@CurrentSchoolYear from (

    SELECT cStudentID,iSchoolCode,cGradeCode,iSuspensionTypeId,COUNT(cStudentID) as NumIncidents,SUM(iSuspNumOfDays) as iSuspNumOfDays

    FROM tblIncidentActor

    WHERE iSuspensionTypeId IN (1,2,10,11,12,13)

    AND dtSuspBeginDate BETWEEN @dtBeginDateIA3 AND @dtEndDateIA3

    GROUP BY cStudentID,iSuspensionTypeId,iSchoolCode,cGradeCode) IA3

    ; WITH Students AS




    FROM tblStudentSchoolHistory

    WHERE iSchoolYearCode in (@CurrentSchoolYear,@CurrentSchoolYear-1,@CurrentSchoolYear-2)

    AND iSchoolCode IN (SELECT iSchoolCode FROM tblSchoolCategoryHistory

    WHERE iSchoolCategoryCode = 10

    AND iSchoolYearCode in (@CurrentSchoolYear,@CurrentSchoolYear-1,@CurrentSchoolYear-2)

    AND iSchoolCode BETWEEN 100 AND 490

    and iSchoolCode NOT IN (335,336,446,472,474,475,477))



    ISNULL(S.cStudentId,'') AS Student_PPS_ID

    ,CAST(a.iSchoolYearCode AS VARCHAR) + '/' + CAST(a.iSchoolYearCode + 1 AS VARCHAR) AS School_Year


    ,a.cGradeCode as Grade_level

    ,a.iSuspensionTypeId AS Suspension_Type_Code

    ,a.iSuspNumOfDays AS Days_Suspended

    FROM Students S

    JOIN tblStudentSchoolHistory IA

    on s.cStudentId = IA.cStudentId

    LEFT JOIN #TempTable1 a

    on s.cStudentId = a.cStudentId

    AND IA.iSchoolYearCode = a.iSchoolYearCode

    -- AND IA.cGradeCode = a.cGradeCode

    AND IA.iSchoolCode = a.iSchoolCode


    a.cStudentID IS NOT NULL AND

    IA.iSchoolCode IN (SELECT iSchoolCode FROM tblSchoolCategoryHistory

    WHERE iSchoolCategoryCode = 10

    AND iSchoolYearCode in (@CurrentSchoolYear,@CurrentSchoolYear-1,@CurrentSchoolYear-2)

    AND iSchoolCode BETWEEN 100 AND 490

    and iSchoolCode NOT IN (335,336,446,472,474,475,477))

    AND IA.iSchoolYearCode in (@CurrentSchoolYear,@CurrentSchoolYear-1,@CurrentSchoolYear-2,@CurrentSchoolYear-3)

    ORDER BY Student_PPS_ID,School_Year

  • Make your inserts into your tempoary table a sub query

    something like this

    declare @CurrentSchoolYear int,

    @dtBeginDateIA3 datetime,

    @dtEndDateIA3 datetime,

    @dtBeginDateIA2 datetime,

    @dtEndDateIA2 datetime,

    @dtBeginDateIA1 datetime,

    @dtEndDateIA1 datetime,

    @dtBeginDateIA datetime,

    @dtEndDateIA datetime

    select @CurrentSchoolYear = iCurrentSchoolYearCode from tblSysVariables

    SELECT @dtBeginDateIA3 = cd.dtCalendarDay

    FROM tblCalendarDay cd WITH (NOLOCK) INNER JOIN tblCalendarDayCategory cdc WITH (NOLOCK) ON cd.iCalendarDayId = cdc.iCalendarDayId

    WHERE cdc.iCalendarDayCategoryId = 4 AND ischoolyearcode = @CurrentSchoolYear

    SELECT @dtEndDateIA3 = cd.dtCalendarDay

    FROM tblCalendarDay cd WITH (NOLOCK) INNER JOIN tblCalendarDayCategory cdc WITH (NOLOCK) ON cd.iCalendarDayId = cdc.iCalendarDayId

    WHERE cdc.iCalendarDayCategoryId = 5 AND ischoolyearcode = @CurrentSchoolYear

    SELECT @dtBeginDateIA2 = cd.dtCalendarDay

    FROM tblCalendarDay cd WITH (NOLOCK) INNER JOIN tblCalendarDayCategory cdc WITH (NOLOCK) ON cd.iCalendarDayId = cdc.iCalendarDayId

    WHERE cdc.iCalendarDayCategoryId = 4 AND ischoolyearcode = @CurrentSchoolYear-1

    SELECT @dtEndDateIA2 = cd.dtCalendarDay

    FROM tblCalendarDay cd WITH (NOLOCK) INNER JOIN tblCalendarDayCategory cdc WITH (NOLOCK) ON cd.iCalendarDayId = cdc.iCalendarDayId

    WHERE cdc.iCalendarDayCategoryId = 5 AND ischoolyearcode = @CurrentSchoolYear-1

    SELECT @dtBeginDateIA1 = cd.dtCalendarDay

    FROM tblCalendarDay cd WITH (NOLOCK) INNER JOIN tblCalendarDayCategory cdc WITH (NOLOCK) ON cd.iCalendarDayId = cdc.iCalendarDayId

    WHERE cdc.iCalendarDayCategoryId = 4 AND ischoolyearcode = @CurrentSchoolYear-2

    SELECT @dtEndDateIA1 = cd.dtCalendarDay

    FROM tblCalendarDay cd WITH (NOLOCK) INNER JOIN tblCalendarDayCategory cdc WITH (NOLOCK) ON cd.iCalendarDayId = cdc.iCalendarDayId

    WHERE cdc.iCalendarDayCategoryId = 5 AND ischoolyearcode = @CurrentSchoolYear-2

    SELECT @dtBeginDateIA = cd.dtCalendarDay

    FROM tblCalendarDay cd WITH (NOLOCK) INNER JOIN tblCalendarDayCategory cdc WITH (NOLOCK) ON cd.iCalendarDayId = cdc.iCalendarDayId

    WHERE cdc.iCalendarDayCategoryId = 4 AND ischoolyearcode = @CurrentSchoolYear-3

    SELECT @dtEndDateIA = cd.dtCalendarDay

    FROM tblCalendarDay cd WITH (NOLOCK) INNER JOIN tblCalendarDayCategory cdc WITH (NOLOCK) ON cd.iCalendarDayId = cdc.iCalendarDayId

    WHERE cdc.iCalendarDayCategoryId = 5 AND ischoolyearcode = @CurrentSchoolYear-3

    --CREATE TABLE #TempTable1 (cStudentID char(9), iSchoolCode int, cGradeCode varchar(04),iSuspensionTypeId int,iSuspNumOfDays int, iSchoolYearCode int )

    ; WITH Students AS




    FROM tblStudentSchoolHistory

    WHERE iSchoolYearCode in (@CurrentSchoolYear,@CurrentSchoolYear-1,@CurrentSchoolYear-2)

    AND iSchoolCode IN (SELECT iSchoolCode FROM tblSchoolCategoryHistory

    WHERE iSchoolCategoryCode = 10

    AND iSchoolYearCode in (@CurrentSchoolYear,@CurrentSchoolYear-1,@CurrentSchoolYear-2)

    AND iSchoolCode BETWEEN 100 AND 490

    and iSchoolCode NOT IN (335,336,446,472,474,475,477))



    ISNULL(S.cStudentId,'') AS Student_PPS_ID

    ,CAST(a.iSchoolYearCode AS VARCHAR) + '/' + CAST(a.iSchoolYearCode + 1 AS VARCHAR) AS School_Year


    ,a.cGradeCode as Grade_level

    ,a.iSuspensionTypeId AS Suspension_Type_Code

    ,a.iSuspNumOfDays AS Days_Suspended

    FROM Students S

    JOIN tblStudentSchoolHistory IA

    on s.cStudentId = IA.cStudentId



    --insert into #TempTable1 (cStudentID,iSchoolCode,cGradeCode,iSuspensionTypeId,iSuspNumOfDays,iSchoolYearCode)

    select IA.cStudentID,IA.iSchoolCode,IA.cGradeCode,IA.iSuspensionTypeId,IA.iSuspNumOfDays,@CurrentSchoolYear-3 as iSchoolYearCode from (

    SELECT cStudentID,iSchoolCode,cGradeCode,iSuspensionTypeId,COUNT(cStudentID) as NumIncidents,SUM(iSuspNumOfDays) as iSuspNumOfDays

    FROM tblIncidentActor

    WHERE iSuspensionTypeId IN (1,2,10,11,12,13)

    AND dtSuspBeginDate BETWEEN @dtBeginDateIA AND @dtEndDateIA

    GROUP BY cStudentID,iSuspensionTypeId,iSchoolCode,cGradeCode) IA


    --insert into #TempTable1 (cStudentID,iSchoolCode,cGradeCode,iSuspensionTypeId,iSuspNumOfDays,iSchoolYearCode)

    select IA1.cStudentID,IA1.iSchoolCode,IA1.cGradeCode,IA1.iSuspensionTypeId,IA1.iSuspNumOfDays,@CurrentSchoolYear-2 from (

    SELECT cStudentID,iSchoolCode,cGradeCode,iSuspensionTypeId,COUNT(cStudentID) as NumIncidents,SUM(iSuspNumOfDays) as iSuspNumOfDays

    FROM tblIncidentActor

    WHERE iSuspensionTypeId IN (1,2,10,11,12,13)

    AND dtSuspBeginDate BETWEEN @dtBeginDateIA1 AND @dtEndDateIA1

    GROUP BY cStudentID,iSuspensionTypeId,iSchoolCode,cGradeCode) IA1


    --insert into #TempTable1 (cStudentID,iSchoolCode,cGradeCode,iSuspensionTypeId,iSuspNumOfDays,iSchoolYearCode)

    select IA2.cStudentID,IA2.iSchoolCode,IA2.cGradeCode,IA2.iSuspensionTypeId,IA2.iSuspNumOfDays,@CurrentSchoolYear-1 from (

    SELECT cStudentID,iSchoolCode,cGradeCode,iSuspensionTypeId,COUNT(cStudentID) as NumIncidents,SUM(iSuspNumOfDays) as iSuspNumOfDays

    FROM tblIncidentActor

    WHERE iSuspensionTypeId IN (1,2,10,11,12,13)

    AND dtSuspBeginDate BETWEEN @dtBeginDateIA2 AND @dtEndDateIA2

    GROUP BY cStudentID,iSuspensionTypeId,iSchoolCode,cGradeCode) IA2


    --insert into #TempTable1 (cStudentID,iSchoolCode,cGradeCode,iSuspensionTypeId,iSuspNumOfDays,iSchoolYearCode)

    select IA3.cStudentID,IA3.iSchoolCode,IA3.cGradeCode,IA3.iSuspensionTypeId,IA3.iSuspNumOfDays,@CurrentSchoolYear from (

    SELECT cStudentID,iSchoolCode,cGradeCode,iSuspensionTypeId,COUNT(cStudentID) as NumIncidents,SUM(iSuspNumOfDays) as iSuspNumOfDays

    FROM tblIncidentActor

    WHERE iSuspensionTypeId IN (1,2,10,11,12,13)

    AND dtSuspBeginDate BETWEEN @dtBeginDateIA3 AND @dtEndDateIA3

    GROUP BY cStudentID,iSuspensionTypeId,iSchoolCode,cGradeCode) IA3

    ) as a

    on s.cStudentId = a.cStudentId

    AND IA.iSchoolYearCode = a.iSchoolYearCode

    -- AND IA.cGradeCode = a.cGradeCode

    AND IA.iSchoolCode = a.iSchoolCode


    a.cStudentID IS NOT NULL AND

    IA.iSchoolCode IN (SELECT iSchoolCode FROM tblSchoolCategoryHistory

    WHERE iSchoolCategoryCode = 10

    AND iSchoolYearCode in (@CurrentSchoolYear,@CurrentSchoolYear-1,@CurrentSchoolYear-2)

    AND iSchoolCode BETWEEN 100 AND 490

    and iSchoolCode NOT IN (335,336,446,472,474,475,477))

    AND IA.iSchoolYearCode in (@CurrentSchoolYear,@CurrentSchoolYear-1,@CurrentSchoolYear-2,@CurrentSchoolYear-3)

    ORDER BY Student_PPS_ID,School_Year

  • anthony.green (8/16/2012)

    Make your inserts into your tempoary table a sub query

    something like this

    declare @CurrentSchoolYear int,

    @dtBeginDateIA3 datetime,

    @dtEndDateIA3 datetime,

    @dtBeginDateIA2 datetime,

    @dtEndDateIA2 datetime,

    @dtBeginDateIA1 datetime,

    @dtEndDateIA1 datetime,

    @dtBeginDateIA datetime,

    @dtEndDateIA datetime

    select @CurrentSchoolYear = iCurrentSchoolYearCode from tblSysVariables

    SELECT @dtBeginDateIA3 = cd.dtCalendarDay

    FROM tblCalendarDay cd WITH (NOLOCK) INNER JOIN tblCalendarDayCategory cdc WITH (NOLOCK) ON cd.iCalendarDayId = cdc.iCalendarDayId

    WHERE cdc.iCalendarDayCategoryId = 4 AND ischoolyearcode = @CurrentSchoolYear

    SELECT @dtEndDateIA3 = cd.dtCalendarDay

    FROM tblCalendarDay cd WITH (NOLOCK) INNER JOIN tblCalendarDayCategory cdc WITH (NOLOCK) ON cd.iCalendarDayId = cdc.iCalendarDayId

    WHERE cdc.iCalendarDayCategoryId = 5 AND ischoolyearcode = @CurrentSchoolYear

    SELECT @dtBeginDateIA2 = cd.dtCalendarDay

    FROM tblCalendarDay cd WITH (NOLOCK) INNER JOIN tblCalendarDayCategory cdc WITH (NOLOCK) ON cd.iCalendarDayId = cdc.iCalendarDayId

    WHERE cdc.iCalendarDayCategoryId = 4 AND ischoolyearcode = @CurrentSchoolYear-1

    SELECT @dtEndDateIA2 = cd.dtCalendarDay

    FROM tblCalendarDay cd WITH (NOLOCK) INNER JOIN tblCalendarDayCategory cdc WITH (NOLOCK) ON cd.iCalendarDayId = cdc.iCalendarDayId

    WHERE cdc.iCalendarDayCategoryId = 5 AND ischoolyearcode = @CurrentSchoolYear-1

    SELECT @dtBeginDateIA1 = cd.dtCalendarDay

    FROM tblCalendarDay cd WITH (NOLOCK) INNER JOIN tblCalendarDayCategory cdc WITH (NOLOCK) ON cd.iCalendarDayId = cdc.iCalendarDayId

    WHERE cdc.iCalendarDayCategoryId = 4 AND ischoolyearcode = @CurrentSchoolYear-2

    SELECT @dtEndDateIA1 = cd.dtCalendarDay

    FROM tblCalendarDay cd WITH (NOLOCK) INNER JOIN tblCalendarDayCategory cdc WITH (NOLOCK) ON cd.iCalendarDayId = cdc.iCalendarDayId

    WHERE cdc.iCalendarDayCategoryId = 5 AND ischoolyearcode = @CurrentSchoolYear-2

    SELECT @dtBeginDateIA = cd.dtCalendarDay

    FROM tblCalendarDay cd WITH (NOLOCK) INNER JOIN tblCalendarDayCategory cdc WITH (NOLOCK) ON cd.iCalendarDayId = cdc.iCalendarDayId

    WHERE cdc.iCalendarDayCategoryId = 4 AND ischoolyearcode = @CurrentSchoolYear-3

    SELECT @dtEndDateIA = cd.dtCalendarDay

    FROM tblCalendarDay cd WITH (NOLOCK) INNER JOIN tblCalendarDayCategory cdc WITH (NOLOCK) ON cd.iCalendarDayId = cdc.iCalendarDayId

    WHERE cdc.iCalendarDayCategoryId = 5 AND ischoolyearcode = @CurrentSchoolYear-3

    --CREATE TABLE #TempTable1 (cStudentID char(9), iSchoolCode int, cGradeCode varchar(04),iSuspensionTypeId int,iSuspNumOfDays int, iSchoolYearCode int )

    ; WITH Students AS




    FROM tblStudentSchoolHistory

    WHERE iSchoolYearCode in (@CurrentSchoolYear,@CurrentSchoolYear-1,@CurrentSchoolYear-2)

    AND iSchoolCode IN (SELECT iSchoolCode FROM tblSchoolCategoryHistory

    WHERE iSchoolCategoryCode = 10

    AND iSchoolYearCode in (@CurrentSchoolYear,@CurrentSchoolYear-1,@CurrentSchoolYear-2)

    AND iSchoolCode BETWEEN 100 AND 490

    and iSchoolCode NOT IN (335,336,446,472,474,475,477))



    ISNULL(S.cStudentId,'') AS Student_PPS_ID

    ,CAST(a.iSchoolYearCode AS VARCHAR) + '/' + CAST(a.iSchoolYearCode + 1 AS VARCHAR) AS School_Year


    ,a.cGradeCode as Grade_level

    ,a.iSuspensionTypeId AS Suspension_Type_Code

    ,a.iSuspNumOfDays AS Days_Suspended

    FROM Students S

    JOIN tblStudentSchoolHistory IA

    on s.cStudentId = IA.cStudentId



    --insert into #TempTable1 (cStudentID,iSchoolCode,cGradeCode,iSuspensionTypeId,iSuspNumOfDays,iSchoolYearCode)

    select IA.cStudentID,IA.iSchoolCode,IA.cGradeCode,IA.iSuspensionTypeId,IA.iSuspNumOfDays,@CurrentSchoolYear-3 as iSchoolYearCode from (

    SELECT cStudentID,iSchoolCode,cGradeCode,iSuspensionTypeId,COUNT(cStudentID) as NumIncidents,SUM(iSuspNumOfDays) as iSuspNumOfDays

    FROM tblIncidentActor

    WHERE iSuspensionTypeId IN (1,2,10,11,12,13)

    AND dtSuspBeginDate BETWEEN @dtBeginDateIA AND @dtEndDateIA

    GROUP BY cStudentID,iSuspensionTypeId,iSchoolCode,cGradeCode) IA


    --insert into #TempTable1 (cStudentID,iSchoolCode,cGradeCode,iSuspensionTypeId,iSuspNumOfDays,iSchoolYearCode)

    select IA1.cStudentID,IA1.iSchoolCode,IA1.cGradeCode,IA1.iSuspensionTypeId,IA1.iSuspNumOfDays,@CurrentSchoolYear-2 from (

    SELECT cStudentID,iSchoolCode,cGradeCode,iSuspensionTypeId,COUNT(cStudentID) as NumIncidents,SUM(iSuspNumOfDays) as iSuspNumOfDays

    FROM tblIncidentActor

    WHERE iSuspensionTypeId IN (1,2,10,11,12,13)

    AND dtSuspBeginDate BETWEEN @dtBeginDateIA1 AND @dtEndDateIA1

    GROUP BY cStudentID,iSuspensionTypeId,iSchoolCode,cGradeCode) IA1


    --insert into #TempTable1 (cStudentID,iSchoolCode,cGradeCode,iSuspensionTypeId,iSuspNumOfDays,iSchoolYearCode)

    select IA2.cStudentID,IA2.iSchoolCode,IA2.cGradeCode,IA2.iSuspensionTypeId,IA2.iSuspNumOfDays,@CurrentSchoolYear-1 from (

    SELECT cStudentID,iSchoolCode,cGradeCode,iSuspensionTypeId,COUNT(cStudentID) as NumIncidents,SUM(iSuspNumOfDays) as iSuspNumOfDays

    FROM tblIncidentActor

    WHERE iSuspensionTypeId IN (1,2,10,11,12,13)

    AND dtSuspBeginDate BETWEEN @dtBeginDateIA2 AND @dtEndDateIA2

    GROUP BY cStudentID,iSuspensionTypeId,iSchoolCode,cGradeCode) IA2


    --insert into #TempTable1 (cStudentID,iSchoolCode,cGradeCode,iSuspensionTypeId,iSuspNumOfDays,iSchoolYearCode)

    select IA3.cStudentID,IA3.iSchoolCode,IA3.cGradeCode,IA3.iSuspensionTypeId,IA3.iSuspNumOfDays,@CurrentSchoolYear from (

    SELECT cStudentID,iSchoolCode,cGradeCode,iSuspensionTypeId,COUNT(cStudentID) as NumIncidents,SUM(iSuspNumOfDays) as iSuspNumOfDays

    FROM tblIncidentActor

    WHERE iSuspensionTypeId IN (1,2,10,11,12,13)

    AND dtSuspBeginDate BETWEEN @dtBeginDateIA3 AND @dtEndDateIA3

    GROUP BY cStudentID,iSuspensionTypeId,iSchoolCode,cGradeCode) IA3

    ) as a

    on s.cStudentId = a.cStudentId

    AND IA.iSchoolYearCode = a.iSchoolYearCode

    -- AND IA.cGradeCode = a.cGradeCode

    AND IA.iSchoolCode = a.iSchoolCode


    a.cStudentID IS NOT NULL AND

    IA.iSchoolCode IN (SELECT iSchoolCode FROM tblSchoolCategoryHistory

    WHERE iSchoolCategoryCode = 10

    AND iSchoolYearCode in (@CurrentSchoolYear,@CurrentSchoolYear-1,@CurrentSchoolYear-2)

    AND iSchoolCode BETWEEN 100 AND 490

    and iSchoolCode NOT IN (335,336,446,472,474,475,477))

    AND IA.iSchoolYearCode in (@CurrentSchoolYear,@CurrentSchoolYear-1,@CurrentSchoolYear-2,@CurrentSchoolYear-3)

    ORDER BY Student_PPS_ID,School_Year


    Thanks Appreciate

  • Please help me too this

    How i dump into csv file using Export Wizard

    declare @CurrentSchoolYear int

    select @CurrentSchoolYear = iCurrentSchoolYearCode from [STARS-DAYB-SRV.PGHBOE.LOC].STARS.dbo.tblSysVariables

    ; WITH Students AS




    FROM [STARS-DAYB-SRV.PGHBOE.LOC].STARS.dbo.tblStudentSchoolHistory

    WHERE iSchoolYearCode in (@CurrentSchoolYear,@CurrentSchoolYear-1,@CurrentSchoolYear-2)

    AND iSchoolCode IN (SELECT iSchoolCode FROM [STARS-DAYB-SRV.PGHBOE.LOC].STARS.dbo.tblSchoolCategoryHistory

    WHERE iSchoolCategoryCode = 10

    AND iSchoolYearCode in (@CurrentSchoolYear,@CurrentSchoolYear-1,@CurrentSchoolYear-2)

    AND iSchoolCode BETWEEN 100 AND 490

    and iSchoolCode NOT IN (335,336,446,472,474,475,477))






    ,cast(A.vcTermCode AS VARCHAR) AS vcTermCode





    ,cast(A.PrimaryEmployeeID AS VARCHAR) AS PrimaryEmployeeID

    ,cast(A.SecondaryEmployeeID AS VARCHAR) AS SecondaryEmployeeID

    into #x1

    FROM (


    Organization.LocalId as [iSchoolCode]

    ,Course.Code as [vcCourseId]

    ,CAST(Section.SectionNumber AS VARCHAR) as [vcSection]

    ,CAST(Term.Code AS VARCHAR) AS vcTermCode

    ,Calendar.SchoolYear as [iSchoolYearCode]

    , Student.LocalId as [cStudentId]

    -- ,case when PrimaryTeacher.SectionId is not null THEN PrimaryTeacher.LocalId

    -- WHEN SecondaryTeacher.SectionId is not null THEN SecondaryTeacher.LocalId

    -- else '' end as 'Employee ID'

    ,CASE WHEN SegmentEnrollment.addDate IS NOT NULL THEN CONVERT(CHAR(10), SegmentEnrollment.addDate, 101) ELSE '' END AS [ADD_DATE]

    ,CASE WHEN SegmentEnrollment.DropDate IS NOT NULL THEN CONVERT(CHAR(10), SegmentEnrollment.DropDate, 101) ELSE '' END AS [DROP_DATE]

    , CASE WHEN PrimaryTeacher.SectionId is not null THEN PrimaryTeacher.LocalId

    ELSE '' END AS [PrimaryEmployeeID]

    , CASE WHEN SecondaryTeacher.SectionId is not null THEN SecondaryTeacher.LocalId

    ELSE '' END AS [SecondaryEmployeeID]

    FROM Organization

    JOIN dbo.School WITH (NOLOCK) ON Organization.OrganizationId = School.OrganizationId

    JOIN dbo.SchoolEnrollment WITH (NOLOCK) ON SchoolEnrollment.CalendarId=School.CurrentCalendarId

    AND SchoolEnrollment.Status IN ('A','C','P')

    AND SchoolEnrollment.IsCurrent = 1

    JOIN dbo.Student WITH (NOLOCK) ON SchoolEnrollment.StudentId=Student.StudentId

    JOIN dbo.SegmentEnrollment WITH (NOLOCK) ON SegmentEnrollment.CalendarId = School.CurrentCalendarId

    AND SegmentEnrollment.StudentId=SchoolEnrollment.StudentId

    JOIN dbo.Segment WITH (NOLOCK) ON Segment.SegmentId=SegmentEnrollment.SegmentId

    JOIN dbo.Section WITH (NOLOCK) ON Section.SectionId=Segment.SectionId

    JOIN dbo.Course WITH (NOLOCK) ON Section.CourseId=Course.CourseId

    JOIN dbo.Calendar WITH (NOLOCK) ON School.CurrentCalendarId = Calendar.CalendarId

    JOIN dbo.meetingtime with (NOLOCK) ON meetingTime.MeetingPatternId=Segment.MeetingPatternId

    JOIN dbo.Term with (NOLOCK) ON Term.termid=meetingTime.TermId

    LEFT JOIN (select TS.SectionId,T.TeacherId,T.LocalId ,T.FirstName

    ,T.LastName from dbo.TeacherSection TS left join info.Teacher T

    on TS.TeacherId = T.TeacherId

    where TS.IsPrimaryInstructor = 1) PrimaryTeacher

    on PrimaryTeacher.SectionId=Section.SectionId

    LEFT JOIN (select TS.SectionId,T.TeacherId,T.LocalId,T.FirstName

    ,T.LastName from dbo.TeacherSection TS left join info.Teacher T

    on TS.TeacherId = T.TeacherId

    where TS.IsPrimaryInstructor = 0) SecondaryTeacher

    on SecondaryTeacher.SectionId=Section.SectionId

    WHERE Calendar.SchoolYear = @CurrentSchoolYear




    ISNULL(ScheduleHistory.vcCourseId ,'') AS vcCourseId,

    ISNULL(ScheduleHistory.vcSection ,'') AS vcSection,



    s.cStudentId ,

    '' AS [ADD_DATE],

    '' AS [DROP_DATE],

    E.vcEmployeeUniqueID AS PrimaryEmployeeID,

    '' AS SecondaryEmployeeID

    FROM Students S

    JOIN [STARS-DAYB-SRV.PGHBOE.LOC].STARS.dbo.tblStudentSchoolHistory IA

    ON s.cStudentId = IA.cStudentId and

    IA.iSchoolYearCode in (@CurrentSchoolYear-1,@CurrentSchoolYear-2)

    LEFT JOIN [STARS-DAYB-SRV.PGHBOE.LOC].STARS.dbo.tblStudentScheduleHistory SSH

    ON SSH.cStudentId = S.cStudentId

    AND SSH.iSchoolYearCode = IA.iSchoolYearCode

    LEFT JOIN [STARS-DAYB-SRV.PGHBOE.LOC].STARS.dbo.tblScheduleHistory ScheduleHistory

    ON ScheduleHistory.iScheduleId = SSH.iScheduleId

    AND ScheduleHistory.iSchoolCode = IA.iSchoolCode

    AND ScheduleHistory.iSchoolYearCode = IA.iSchoolYearCode


    ON ScheduleHistory.iTermCode = ST.iTermCode


    ON ScheduleHistory.iTeacheruserid = E.iuserid

    where SSH.cStudentId is not null

    ) A


    A.iSchoolCode IN (SELECT iSchoolCode FROM [STARS-DAYB-SRV.PGHBOE.LOC].STARS.dbo.tblSchoolCategoryHistory

    WHERE iSchoolCategoryCode = 10

    AND iSchoolYearCode in (@CurrentSchoolYear,@CurrentSchoolYear-1,@CurrentSchoolYear-2)

    AND iSchoolCode BETWEEN 100 AND 490

    and iSchoolCode NOT IN (335,336,446,472,474,475,477))


    A.iSchoolYearCode in (@CurrentSchoolYear,@CurrentSchoolYear-1,@CurrentSchoolYear-2)

    order by A.cStudentId,A.iSchoolYearCode,A.vcCourseId

    --select * from #x1

    update #x1 set PrimaryEmployeeID = '000000000'

    where iSchoolYearCode = 2009

    and vcCourseId = '006502'

    and iSchoolCode = 116

    and PrimaryEmployeeID = '000009665'

    update #x1 set PrimaryEmployeeID = '000000000'

    where iSchoolYearCode = 2009

    and iSchoolCode = 279

    and PrimaryEmployeeID = '000014257'

    update #x1 set vcCourseID = case

    WHEN vcCourseID = '006679' THEN '006604'

    WHEN vcCourseID = '006949' THEN '006902'

    WHEN vcCourseID = '006584' THEN '006504'

    else vcCourseID end

    where iSchoolYearCode in (2009,2010)

    and iSchoolCode = 147

    and PrimaryEmployeeID = '000002290'

    and vcCourseID in ('006679','006949','006584')

    update #x1 set vcCourseID = case

    WHEN vcCourseID = '006179' THEN '000198'

    WHEN vcCourseID = '006956' THEN '006953'

    WHEN vcCourseID = '006680' THEN '006605'

    WHEN vcCourseID = '006373' THEN '006305'

    else vcCourseID end

    where iSchoolYearCode in (2009,2010)

    and iSchoolCode = 147

    and PrimaryEmployeeID = '000004118'

    and vcCourseID in ('006179','006956','006680','006373')

    update #x1 set vcCourseID = case

    WHEN vcCourseID = '006179' THEN '000198'

    WHEN vcCourseID = '006956' THEN '006953'

    WHEN vcCourseID = '006680' THEN '006605'

    WHEN vcCourseID = '006373' THEN '006305'

    else vcCourseID end

    where iSchoolYearCode in (2009,2010)

    and iSchoolCode = 147

    and PrimaryEmployeeID = '000005922'

    and vcCourseID in ('006179','006956','006680','006373')

    update #x1 set vcCourseID = case

    WHEN vcCourseID = '006179' THEN '000198'

    WHEN vcCourseID = '006585' THEN '0006505'

    else vcCourseID end

    where iSchoolYearCode in (2009,2010)

    and iSchoolCode = 147

    and PrimaryEmployeeID = '000007762'

    and vcCourseID in ('006179','006585')

    --select * from #x1

    select iSchoolCode as [School_ID]

    , ISNULL(vcCourseID,'') AS Course_ID

    , ISNULL(vcSection,'') AS Section_ID

    , ISNULL(vcTermCode,'') AS TermCode

    ,CAST(iSchoolYearCode AS VARCHAR) + '/' + CAST(iSchoolYearCode + 1 AS VARCHAR) AS School_Year

    , CASE WHEN E.vcHRJobTitleCode IN ('2302','8503','3309','2612','9801','2301',





    THEN '' ELSE

    B.PrimaryEmployeeID END AS Primary_teacher_ID

    , ISNULL(cStudentID,'') AS Student_PPS_ID



    -- ,PrimaryEmployeeID

    , CASE WHEN F.vcHRJobTitleCode IN ('2302','8503','3309','2612','9801','2301',





    THEN '' ELSE

    B.SecondaryEmployeeID END AS SecondaryEmployeeID

    -- ,SecondaryEmployeeID

    FROM #x1 B LEFT JOIN (select E.iUserID, E.vcEmployeeUniqueID,EJ.vcHRJobTitleCode from [STARS-DAYB-SRV.PGHBOE.LOC].STARS.dbo.tblEmployee E JOIN [STARS-DAYB-SRV.PGHBOE.LOC].STARS.dbo.tblEmployeeJobTitle EJ

    ON E.iJobTitleID = EJ.iJobTitleID)E ON B.PrimaryEmployeeID = E.vcEmployeeUniqueID

    LEFT JOIN (select E.iUserID, E.vcEmployeeUniqueID,EJ.vcHRJobTitleCode from [STARS-DAYB-SRV.PGHBOE.LOC].STARS.dbo.tblEmployee E JOIN [STARS-DAYB-SRV.PGHBOE.LOC].STARS.dbo.tblEmployeeJobTitle EJ

    ON E.iJobTitleID = EJ.iJobTitleID)F ON B.SecondaryEmployeeID = F.vcEmployeeUniqueID

    order by Student_PPS_ID,School_Year,Course_ID

  • run query in ssms, results to grid, right click top left hand blank thing to select the whole result set including headers, then right click, save results as

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